i have lenovo laptop e15 and i dont want to install games in my host system so i installed vmware and hyperv VM windows 10 and i want to share my GPU with my VM so i can play games over there but its not showing or getting shared. can anyone please help?
i have RX radeon rx640 graphics card.
please someone reply to me . i am waiting anxiously
Depends on version of software you're using.
Hyperv doesnt pass thru gpu's.
VMWare can if youre using ESXI: https://www.vmware.com/resources/compatibility/search.php?deviceCategory=vdga
if i cant share gpu with hyper v then what about vmware workstation pro? Why need vmware esxi to share the gpu ? its server level stuff but i want to do this with my workstation. i cant install esxi on my system.
The problem is that i cant install games on my host system, its restricted by company sadly.
I also saw a link on internet that hyperv has disabled remote fx video sharing with the VM so they introduced discrete device management. but i cant able to use it. how can i use it? please suggest
please reply me someone to resolve my issue