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PC Drivers & Software

How can i send a message to the Radeon pro team? there's an on going issue


Hello, I have been using radeon pro cards and workstation gpus for the longest time, they have an option to see the performance overlay feature to see clock speed, temps, etc, well it never works using apps/games, never shows up, doesn't matter which driver i am using. This is an on going feature.

and i need a app that allows me to see temps in games/apps?.

19 Replies

This is for @fsadough AMD Moderator for Professional GPU cards who can answer your question.

which version of Windows and AMD Radeon Pro driver you are using?.



Oh thanks, i forgot about fsadough, yea he usually helps out and looks into it. 

To answer your question, Windows 10 Pro ( Latest ), I'm using 21.Q3 the latest. But keep in mind, i have tested every enterprise driver and alot of adrenalin drivers using both windows 7 and windows 10 using multiple workstation GPUs which i own. Radeon Pro 4100, WX 7100, and i have two Radeon Pro W5500's, the feature overlay thing never works on workstation gpus. Even using adrenalin drivers, the overlay thing never shows up. 

Are you referring to "Show Metrics Overlay" option under Performance tab in Radeon Settings?



Are you referring to "Show Metrics Overlay" option under Performance tab in Radeon Settings?

Yup. it shows up like on the desktop, but never shows up in games, etc. I have tested pretty much every enterprise driver and adrenalin driver with multiple workstation gpus that i own , never shows up. Its been a problem for a few years now. Not sure if the devs were aware of this, that's all. 



As far as I know "Show Metrics Overlay" option stays always on top of every application I tested, like Autodesk, Lumion, Adobe and so on. I have no games on my system and cannot verify. I think the statement "Never Shows Up On Games" is misleading, because the pop-up appears as soon as you enable "Show Metrics Overlay" option in AMD Radeon Settings regardless if you have an application running or not. The fact that you don't see it while you are running games, is because I assume you run your games in full screen mode. Have you tried a game in windowed mode?


Its not misleading, it never shows up when you're running games, that's a fact. I just wasn't clear, meaning yes i run games in full screen mode ( 1920x1080 ), who doesn't? It shows up yes when I'm staring at my desktop or in apps i guess, I was only referring to games, it does not show up. I don't know anyone running games in window mode unless they have a low end computer, even then i still don't see it anyone doing that ha. 

I can enable the performance overlay before i run a game and it disappears. So nothing misleading to which i am saying, neither the enterprise or adrenalin driver for workstation gpus the performance thing never shows up when you're gaming. This has been an on going issue for years. 

I have been using workstation gpus for gaming for years and years, i do alot of testing with games, etc, apps. I have a Firepro W5000, AMD Firepro 7000, Radeon Pro WX 4100, WX 5100, RX 570 8GB( backup ), and Radeon Pro W7000, Two W5500s (recent workstation cards i bought photos below ).  I actually prefer to use workstation gpus over non workstation ones for gaming, etc.  On another note, i also posted an issue a while back how a opengl game runs flawless on a firepro w7000, but runs awful using radeon pro cards, still can't figure out that mystery. besides that, workstation cards are the best for everything imo.smallpro2.jpg



It is indeed misleading when you say:

"it never shows up when you're running games"

I was trying to root cause the problem by asking you if you saw the overlay information when you were playing in windowed mode. I am not suggesting that you have to run your games in windowed mode. 

I just tested it with a CAD application running in full screen mode and it covers the metrics information window. Not sure if anyone on the gaming side has looked at this issue or not. I will see if there is an internal ticket for that, or maybe it is just expected behavior.




It is indeed misleading when you say:

"it never shows up when you're running games"

I was trying to root cause the problem by asking you if you saw the overlay information when you were playing in windowed mode. I am not suggesting that you have to run your games in windowed mode. 

I just tested it with a CAD application running in full screen mode and it covers the metrics information window. Not sure if anyone on the gaming side has looked at this issue or not. I will see if there is an internal ticket for that, or maybe it is just expected behavior.


Again, nothing i said was misleading. I don't go around making up stuff or posting things that are misleading to anyone. You're obviously not aware of how workstation cards perform in video games, whatever its full screen or windowed mode. Nothing i said was misleading, i just wasn't clear on explaining it, but anyone who plays games should know what i was talking about. Something can't be misleading if you're not aware of the solution. Alot of people have this myth that workstation gpus can't run games or run them well, because "workstation gpus" weren't designed for gaming. So nobody really takes the time to bother test run them playing games.

But now that you're aware of what i am talking about now, i just hope to see an update to a driver one day so the performance overlay feature shows up playing games in "fullscreen mode". 



You still don't want to try to verify if you see the overlay when you run the games in windowed mode? Feel free to file a support ticket. 

Yes i tried it ,

When i run games in windows mode the overlay works, there's no fps data, but window mode it shows up, when i go into full screen most games it doesn't even stay, and in sleeping dogs you can see, it stays but when i turn it off, it doesn't come back. So yes there's an issue for it not showing up in full screen mode and even if i turn it on before i start the game, it doesn't stay or function correctly.

Only happens in workstation gpu.  I have a second rig using a RX 570 , no problems at all. Also to note, its a not a driver issue, because I'm using Enterprise 21.q3 on my RX 570 and overlay works perfectly fine.


I have filed an internal ticket


Thank you. 



Metrics overlay and performance logging are not supported with ProGraphics GPUs while a 3D OpenGL or D3D application is rendering. So, this is not a bug, but expected behaviour.


Any chance this could change in the future, or we just have to continue to use alternatives? 

I'm using MSI Afterburner/Rivaturner for the moment, even though i rather use performance overlay if it was available. Anyways, hope one day its an feature that is available. 


Can't tell at this moment


Well i hope one day in future drivers performance overlay is available.  I guess rivatuner will do for now. Thanks.

Thanks for the radeon products too, I have a Radeon pro wx 7100, wx 4100, 5100 and i bought two w5500's, plan to buy a w6600 once the price drops a bit. 🙂 take care


Good luck with W6600. Excellent choice.

@elstaci wrote:

This is for @fsadough AMD Moderator for Professional GPU cards who can answer your question.

which version of Windows and AMD Radeon Pro driver you are using?.


Thanks for the update and quick reply. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this thread. Looking for the same issue. Bumped into your thread.


 What workstation gpu do you use?