I'd like to know how to change my Twitch account for ReLive streaming?
My old Twitch account details seem to have been saved, and can't be changed.
I use a different Twitch account, and would like to use that instead of my old account for streaming.
Please advise.
I've figured it out.
I had to perform a factory reset by (instructions below).
You're a godsend. Thanks!
Now it didnt work.
I found how do this if reset settings didnt help. Go in to your account streaming profile then find in settings mene "connection" or something and switch off radeon relive from your streaming platform. Then go to relive and connect to you streaming platfrom.
why not using OBS Studio with AMD AMF Encoder?
On game screen (not stream screen):
2)counter of viewers
Obs cant do this.
it can - via browser plugin
LOL. It can only on stream screen not on game screen. Do you know difference between game screen and stream screen? Mabe show vod from 1st person where you made those features in entire game screen? Give me a link.
i simply have 2 screens and dont need to get stuff on my mainscreen
So dont talk then if you dont knew what obs can or not if you dont understand.
do you mean me?
it was not possible to guess that you mean you want it on game screen and not stream - i think i know what i am talking about
so you can have chat and stuff on steam - all you need is a webserver and OBS with Browser plugin and some php knowledge
anything you have with ReLive is possible with OBS for stream - but you wont see stuff on screen while gaming because it will be only visible on stream
thats why i have 2 monitors/screens
Are you stupid? I need watch twitch chat when i entire play in game. Nothing else. You even didnt know what does mean game screen and stream screen. Obs cant show twitch chat on your game screen, obs can show chat only on stream screen, but relive can do those things. And i dont need second monitor. So, dont talk then if you dont knew what obs can or not if you dont understand.
seems like YOU ARE STUPID...
you didnt said that you want chat on game screen but on stream - i said OBS can do that
and i said i didnt need chat on game screen because i have 2 monitors...
either you wont understand or you are to stupid...
we talk about 2 different things - and before you called me stupid i even clarified that - yet you moron didnt get it.
You are totally retarted. I'll report you
amdmatt please doe something about that guy...
thx amd for ban benman2785 and amdmatt enjoy report. I send email to your chief. Enjoy!!!
you will report an AMD employee? (amdmatt)
you can report me - but you were first to say that i am stupid
and it looks like you are just a troll...