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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Hi I'm on an HP Pav' laptop with amd Radeon R7 M360 and AMD Radeon R6 Graphics. Lost all colour so reinstalled drivers and Adrenalin 2020. I downloads removes old drivers and software, installs, requests reboot which it does

Hi I'm on an HP Pav' laptop with amd Radeon R7 M360 and AMD Radeon R6 Graphics. Lost all colour so reinstalled drivers and Adrenalin 2020. I downloads removes old drivers and software, installs, requests reboot which it does
restarts sign in page is in colour, Sign in...Black and white!!! and apparently no drivers are installed..
Done it numerous times, both adrenalin options.
Any Ideas?
Having similair problem with recent update on Windows. Downloads installs reboots and then has failed.
Is windows not completing because the amd stuff needs update/ drivers and AMD doing the same because It Needs windows to update?
If I had some hundreds and thousands I'd top meself!
AndyAMD Device faults in DM 2020-03-26 130754.png

2 Replies

I first suggest you install HP Laptop AMD Driver and see if that fixes your problem If it does then install AMD generic Laptop driver.

Seems like you have a A10-74xx or A10-73xx APU processor.

You need to install your APU (Processor with R6) AMD driver. This driver will automatically install the R7 M360 Driver at the same time: 

Windows must be fully updated via Windows Update for the AMD Drivers to work correctly.

Make sure you have the latest BIOS/UEFI and CHIPSET version installed for your HP Laptop from HP Support.

Follow this basic mode of installing AMD Driver:

Uninstall the current AMD Driver using DDU as per this method:

It could be due to a corrupted AMD Driver installation.

Download free program DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller). Run it in Safe mode with the internet disconnected.

You can also run it in Windows Desktop but then you would need to Reboot the computer for DDU to finish erasing all of  the AMD Driver traces from your computer.

 Once it finishes uninstalling the current AMD Driver in Safe mode and boots back to Windows Desktop, still with the Internet disconnected, delete the AMD Installation folder C:\AMD if it was created before.

Now install the full AMD Drive package you downloaded manually from AMD Download page. Not the express package. Run the package and if it installs correctly again delete C:\AMD folder and reconnect the internet.

This should prevent any conflict when installing the new version from the previous version.

By the way, C:\AMD is always created whenever you run the AMD Driver package

Adept II

I'm not sure if the following solution will work for you, but I suspect that it might be due to driver installation issue.
Do try the following solution once. (I had originally posted the solution for other issue, but I think that this might work)

[Solution]: Fix AMD Dual Graphics driver issue + OBS black screen (Windows 10).

Title : This is the solution for how I fixed my AMD dual graphics issues on windows 10, with the the running example of OBS black screen 'Display Capture' and related issue on AMD systems. (in pictures only, not covered in text [OBS])

Solution date : August 2020.

General instructions :

1. Please do read all steps prior to proceeding with the installation, because I would be covering expected errors just after the step.
2. In pics, I am using different software versions at different time, but overall, the steps told are the same.
3. I have personally tested all given points described below with accurate results. Results for your system may vary.
4. I have found the solution after struggling with the problem for more than 4 years.

5. Many of the links provided are from third parties. Do read their policies before proceeding with their suggestion / software.
6. I do not guarantee that the solution provided will work for you.
7. Do share the solution with others if it works for you.
8. Proceed at your own risk hereafter.

Reference links :

                  DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller - wagnardsoft) :

                        Direct link:

                  AMD Cleanup Utility: Docs:

                  [Direct download link]:

                     [Download starts as soon as you click the link]

                  Original solution from SheldoreD's solution at page 2, direct link:

                  Hibernation issue original solution link:

                  AMD Dual Graphics brand / naming:

The above links were used to find the solution for my problem.


0.   Download all required drivers before starting the process.
      0.1. Open the OEM's (original equipment manufacturer) website and head to
             the 'divers and downloads' section to download the appropriate drivers
             for your system. (HP's website)
      0.2. Check which versions does it has for your system.

             (15.201.1101.0 Rev.B, in my case)
              If they have at-least upto 'Crimson Relive' version, then you probably
              need to download only 1 software.
              If they have only till 'Catalysts' version, then you probably need to
              download only 2 softwares.
      0.3. From step (1.2), if you figure out that you need 1 software, then
             download latest version of 'Cimson Relive' software from OEM and skip
             other steps in this part.
             If from step (1.2) you figured that you need 2 softwares, then download
             the latest version of 'Catalyst' driver (that works) and proceed to
             next steps in this part.
      0.4. For 2nd software, head to the AMD's website, to the 'Drivers & support'
              section, and select your configuration, and hit 'Submit'.
              NOTE: Select using you 'discrete graphics' specifications, not with CPU
                           or 'internal graphics' specifications because the drivers for
                           'internal graphics' might be in the 'discrete graphics' software
                           bundle, whereas 'internal graphics' might not contain 'discrete
                           graphics' software.


      0.5. Now, go to the bottom of the page and click 'Previous drivers'.


      0.6. Here, select the latest 'Crimson Relive' driver if available, or search
             with the specifications on the web to find the driver.
             If not available, go back to AMD site as in previous steps, and select
             least possible 'Adrenalin' driver version (19.12.1 or lower), the one
             whose UI is similar to 'Crimson' version only.
             If still, not available, use only the 'Catalyst' version or contact
             AMD support for the older drivers.


      0.7. If you want some older drivers for 'Radeon R7 + R6', I have some key
             older versions available with me, and will definitely upload them
             somewhere and provide the links if you say (in reply).
      0.8. Do not run the setup or extraction now. Just download them and keep for
             now and proceed with next steps first.
      0.9. Before proceeding, make sure you have 'Legacy' mode enable in your
             BIOS settings.
             Restart your system, as soon as it starts press 'Esc' key to see all
             options and select 'BIOS setup' from it.
             Or, you might need to press specific key on start-up. (F10 in my case)
             Google it to get yours.
             Now, in 'BIOS Setup', go to System configuration > Boot option > Legacy
             support and enable it.
             Save and exit. (F10 in my case)
             Reboot the system.

1.   Uninstall all drivers installed in the system. You can either use AMD's
      clean-up utility or DDU, both will do the work, but I prefer DDU.
      DDU: 1.1. Launch DDU as administrator.


                1.2. Select 'device type' as 'GPU' and 'device' as 'AMD'.


                1.3. Click 'Clean and restart'.
                       [At this point, it will say that it will take few minutes, but, it
                       might take a decent amount of time.]
                1.4. Wait for the system to restart.
                       [DDU might not show any notification before restarting, it will
                       restart as soon as it finishes un-installation.]

      ACU: [AMD Cleanup utility]
      1.1. Run the ACU as administrator.


      1.2. After few second, it will show a prompt asking to confirm if you
             want to remove all driver and components of AMD.
             Click OK.
             [At this point, it may seem as if nothing is happening, but, it is
             preparing itself to run in background. Wait for 1st notification,
             it might take few minutes before being shown.]


      1.3. A notification will be shown on bottom right stating 'Removing
             drivers, application and utilities'. It will also show the tray
             icon in task-bar. Now, wait for next prompt, it might take a long
             time to finish before notification.


      1.4. After completion, it will show an alert stating 'uninstall
             success', click 'Finish'.


      1.5. Just as you click, you'll get another prompt asking for restart.
             Click 'Yes' to restart immediately.


2.   Restart the system. You may have a very bright screen as no drivers will be
      present in the system.

3.   Open the 'Device Manager' in your system.
      Press 'Windows key' + 'X' (or 'right click' on 'start' button) and select
      'Device manager' from the list.


4.   Make sure that only 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter' is being displayed in
      'Display drivers' tab and is enabled.

      If other drivers are listed, use DDU in step 1, and retry.
      If still not resolved, follow the steps below for all drivers until you get
      'Microsoft driver'.
      4.1. 'Right click' on the name of the driver.
      4.2. Select 'Uninstall device' from the list.

      4.3. In the popup, check the option 'Delete the driver software for this
             device' (it should be selected), and click uninstall.

      4.4. Wait for the un-installation to complete.
      4.5. Repeat for all drivers until you are left with only 'Microsoft Basic
             Display Adapter'.
      4.6. Restart the device after completion, and check step 4 (this main step)
      4.7. If 'Microsoft Basic Display Adapter' is not enabled, 'right click' on
             it and select 'Enable Device' from the menu.

5.   Now go to the folder where you downloaded softwares in step 0.
      I'll be covering steps for 2 softwares option here. If you have only 1
      software (as described in step 0), don't worry, I'll let you know when to

6.   Only extract the software, do not install now.
      6.1. Run the software package as administrator. (for OEM software, i.e.
             'Catalyst' version)
      6.2. Depending on the OEM, it will guide you through the setup, from
             extraction to installation, but here we only have to extract them.
             Note the folder where the drivers are extracted (with path to folder).
      6.3. As soon as the extraction for the driver will finish, it will show a
             'Welcome' screen for 'Catalyst' driver.
             Click 'Cancel' to terminate the installation.
             [If you have downloaded 2nd driver software (as described in step 0),
             then, proceed with the following steps.
             If you don't have 2nd software, skip next steps of this part.]

      6.4. For 2nd software, run the software package as administrator.
      6.5. Upon prompt for 'where to save', just note down the location where the
             setup will be extracted.
             Generally, this will be in 'C:\AMD\'.
             Then, click 'Install' to begin extraction.

      6.6. Upon successful extraction, it will automatically start the setup.
             On setup page, it will first ask for confirmation as 'Accept and
             There, close the setup by 'clicking' on the 'Red cross (X)' icon on the
             top right of the window.
      6.7. At this point you should have the locations of folders of 2 setups.

7.   Open the 'Device manager', if not opened. (step 3)
      7.1. Under 'Display Drivers' tab, 'right click' on 'Microsoft Basic Display
             Adapter' and select 'Update driver' option from the menu.
      7.2. On the prompt 'How do you want to search for drivers?', select 2nd
             option 'Browse my computer for driver software' from the list.

      7.3. On the next screen, when prompter to browse driver files, select
             'Browse' and go to the folder which you noted for 'Catalyst' driver.
             Go to the folder > Packages > Drivers > Display.
             Here, you may get 1 or 2 folders like 'W*6A_INF' and / or 'W*_INF' or
             something like that. ('*' means any character might appear in place of
             it, like 'WT6A_INF' or 'W76A_INF', etc. Don't worry about naming.)
      7.4. In the 'Browse' screen, you should be in 'folder\Packages\Drivers\
             Display\'. There, if you see only one folder listed, then select the
             folder and click 'Select'.
             If you see 2 folders, then select the 2nd folder with name as 'W*6A_INF'
             and click 'Select'.

      7.5. Now, close all folders and applications which are running in background.
             Only 'Device manager' must be open at this point.
             Click 'Next' and as soon as you click the button, do not move your
             mouse until the installation is complete. [This process is prone to
             errors which may lead to system restart, and others.].
      7.6. If you get a driver failed screen, you probably need to choose a
             different folder in step [7.4] or you may need to download a different
             version of 'Catalyst' driver for your system.
             If you need different software version, try again with other software.
      7.7. If you get a driver success screen, click 'Close' and restart the

      7.8. If you get a BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death) error, don't worry, as this is
             fine for now. If system restarts on its own, let it happen, else, if
             your system is stuck at the screen, force restart it by holding the
             power button for few seconds and pressing it again.

             [NOTE: After restarting, if you check display drivers in 'Display driver'
             tab of 'Device Manager', you should get the internal and discrete
             graphic cards listed. And, discrete card might be renamed as listed
             in AMD Dual Graphics naming website (provided in reference links).]

8.   After restarting, go to the folder where you extracted 'Catalyst driver'.
      8.1. In the folder, you might see the application named 'Setup'.
             'Right click' on the 'Setup' application and click 'Properties' from
             the menu.
      8.2. Under the 'Compatibility' tab, check 'Run this program in compatibility
             mode' and from drop-down, select 'Windows 7' and hit 'OK'.
             [This is required].
      8.3. Now, run the 'Setup' file as administrator.
      8.4. In 'Welcome' screen, choose 'Express' installation and hit 'Next'.
             'Accept' the licence agreement, and proceed.


      8.5. After a long time, the installation will succeed. It may say that
             'warnings occurred' or something like that. Just ignore it and hit

      8.6. Another prompt will follow confirming reboot, hit 'Yes' and wait for
      8.7. After restart, your graphics driver will be functional, no need to
             check it.
      8.8. For those who got only 1 software in step [0], jump to step [11].
             And for others who got 2 softwares in step [0], proceed with other

9.   After installing 'Catalyst' drivers, keep the folder where you extracted
      'Crimson Relive' (or 'Adrenalin', older version) driver ready.
      9.1. Head to 'Device Manager'.
      9.2. Under 'Display drivers' tab, 'right click' on the 'discrete graphic'
             driver (name might be changed as described earlier), and select
             'Update driver' option from the menu.

      9.3. Now, select 'Browse my computer' option from the list.

      9.4. In the next screen, click 'Browse' and navigate to the folder where
             you extracted software 2.
             Then, navigate to 'folder\Packages\Drivers\Display\' and select
             'WT6A_INF' folder and click 'Select'.

      9.5. Now, click 'Next' button and wait for it to complete installation.
             It will install properly, but there is slight chance for BSOD or other
             If you get BSOD, restart your system and check in the 'Display driver'
             section of 'Device manager' for if the drivers are updated. If not, do
             not panic, it will be installed in later step.
             If you get alert that 'Best drivers are already installed', then also,
             do not worry, they will be updated in later stages.
             If no errors, don't restart your system, proceed with other steps.

10.   Open the folder where you extracted 'Crimson Relive' (or 'Adrenalin', older
        version) driver.
        10.1. Run the 'Setup' file (not in compatibility mode) as administrator.
        10.2. For 'Crimson Relive' driver, click 'Accept and Install' on EULA
                  (End User License Agreement) screen, and wait until the hardware
                  detection is completed.
                  For 'Adrenalin' driver, wait for the system to detect hardware.

        10.3. For 'Crimson Relive' driver, select 'Express Install' and wait till
                  the next page loads. On next page select the driver version on right
                  side of screen and click 'Install', and wait until the installation
                  [NOTE: You might need to keep moving the mouse pointer
                  constantly, to avoid being stuck on black screen. If stuck on
                  black screen, restart the system and start over from step [9].
                  For 'Adrenalin' driver, un-check 'Factory Reset' option under
                  'Additional Options' and click 'Install', and wait for it to finish.]

        10.4. For 'Crimson Relive', after installation, click 'Close' and in the
                  prompt for restart, click 'Restart'.
                  For 'Adrenalin', after installation, you might get a success screen,
                  just click 'Ok' or 'Finish'.
        10.5. If not prompted for system restart, simply restart your system once.
                  (for both 'Crimson Relive' and 'Adrenalin' drivers)
        10.6. Now, after restarting, you might see 'AMD Radeon Settings' in mouse

        10.7. Great work! Installation success. But, you still might not be able
                  to use 'discrete graphics' card yet, cause there is many things
                  wrong in the documentation. Follow on to the next step.

11.   All other setting that you might get from Window's Graphic settings from
        Settings > System > Display > Graphics Settings, they are useless and won't
        work. And it may show same (probably internal) graphics assigned to
        'Power savings' and 'High performance' GPUs.


        Also, for 'Crimson Relive' or 'Adrenalin' (older version [lower than
        19.12.1]), defining profiles for individual games won't work. They are not
        meant to decide GPU. They are meant to just utilize the currently selected
        GPU on profiled settings. Hence, not the desired result.

        Also, if you open 'Task Manager' ('right click' on taskbar and select
        'Task Manager' from the menu) and check the GPUs, you might still see
        discrepancies such as it might show less memory than what the GPU physically
        has, but that's OK, because you will be able to use entire physical memory
        as we will see in later stages.


        For 'Crimson Relive' or 'Adrenalin' people, jump to step [12] here after.
        For 'Catalyst' people, follow the steps below.
        11.1. Select 'Graphics Settings' from the pointer menu. ('Right click' on
                 empty desktop and select 'Graphics Settings')
        11.2. In 'Graphics Settings', find a setting named like 'Dual graphics
                 application settings', and there, use 'Add program' option to
                 browse the application whose GPU usage you want to change.
                 Then, choose 'Power Savings' (for internal GPU) or 'High performance'
                 (for discrete / external GPU [Graphics Card]) depending on your
        11.3. If you are not sure of the correct exe file to add for your game,
                 follow the steps below.
                 Find 'Dual Graphics Application Monitor' settings (name might be
                 somewhat different) and there, click 'Start Monitoring'.
                 Now, run the game / software whose exe file you want to detect.
                 Minimize the game / software and check this section back, your exe
                 file might be listed here.
                 Now, select that exe application and choose the GPU setting
                 When done, click 'Stop Monitoring' to stop monitoring the apps.
        11.4. Now, open 'Task Manager' and restart you game / software you wanted
                 to run.
                 Now, minimize the game / software and check 'Task Manager', you must
                 get the 'discrete graphics' being utilized, if software is being run
                 on 'High Performance' mode, as configured earlier.
                 On battery power, it might touch 100% or 70% utilization depending on
                 game / software. Switch to plugged in mode and see the utilization
                 drop. (means better performance)
        11.5. Repeat the steps from step [11.2] to add other exe files as well.
        11.6. Proceed to step [13].

12.   For 'Crimson Relive' or 'Adrenalin' users.
        12.1. Open 'AMD Radeon Settings' from pointer menu. ('right click' on empty
                 desktop and select 'AMD Radeon Settings' from the menu)
                 Select 'System' tab and head to 'Switchable Graphics' section of it.

        12.2. Click 'Running Applications' option and select 'Installed profiled
                 applications' from the drop-down.

                 See if the application (exe file) whose GPU you want to change is
                 listed in the list.
                 If not, add the exe by clicking 'Browse' button on top and then
                 browse to the exe file you want to select, and select the exe file
                 and click 'Open' to add it.


                 Now, check the list again, you might see the application listed.
                 Select the application, and from drop-down, select either 'Power
                 Saving' (for using 'internal graphics') or 'High performance' (for
                 using 'discrete graphics') depending on your needs.


        12.3. If you are unable to detect which exe file to use, head back to
                 'Running Applications' section (click 'installed profiled
                 applications' and select 'running applications' from the drop-down)
                 Now, keeping the 'Current Applications' tab open, start your game or
                 Minimize your game / software and check the 'Current Application'
                 section again, you might see the desired exe file listed there.
                 Select the file and choose either 'Power Saving' or 'High Performance'
                 for internal or external GPU as per your needs, and restart your
                 game / software.
        12.4. To check it, open 'Task Manager' ('right click' on taskbar and select
                 'Task manager' from the menu), and under 'Performance tab', see your
                 GPU's utilization.
                 On battery power, it might touch 100% or 70% utilization depending on
                 game / software. Switch to plugged in mode and see the utilization
                 drop. (means better performance)
        12.5. Repeat the steps from step [12.2] to add other exe files as well.
        12.6. Proceed to next step.

13.   Congrats ! You now have successfully configured your AMD Dual Graphics
        system and might have successfully utilized your 'discrete graphics'.
        But, now there is a slight chance that some of you may have corrupted your
        Window's hibernation files. To fix it, follow the steps below.
        13.1. Open 'Control panel' and click 'Hardware and sound' options.
                 Now, select 'Power Options' and click 'Change what the Power buttons
                 do' option.
                 On the respective screen, select 'Change settings that are currently
                 not available' and un-check 'Turn on Fast Start' option and click
                 'Save changes'.
        13.2. Now, open command prompt as administrator.
                 [Keep all other applications closed at this point].
                 Enter command 'powercfg.exe /h off' and hit enter.
                 Now, enter command 'shutdown /s /f /t 0' and hit enter.
                 Your computer will shut down.
                 Boot the system again.
        13.3. After boot, open the command prompt as administrator again.
                 [Keep all other applications closed at this point].
                 Enter command 'powercfg.exe /h on' and hit enter.
                 Now, enter command 'shutdown /s /f /t 0' and hit enter.
                 Your computer will shut down.
                 Boot the system again.
        13.4. After boot, enable the 'Fast Startup' option again (if you want it
                 back, I prefer this to be enabled) using the steps we did to disable
                 it in step [13.1], with this time checking the 'Turn on Fast Start'
                 option and clicking 'Save Changes' option.
                 If you enable it, just restart your system once again.

14.   Congrats ! Now you have your system working fine and fully configured.
        But, one more note before you leave.
        DO NOT UPDATE your system past Adrenalin 19.12.1 version, unless you are
        sure that the software has the option for selecting GPU for individual

Share the solution with other if this works for you.

Off-topic tip: Use 'Brave-Browser' (windows/mac/linux/android) instead of your
                     'Google Chrome', cause they are stealing data for money.

My System Specs:

Type : Laptop.
Model : HP pavilion notebook - 15-ab125ax.
RAM : 8.00 GB.
HDD : 1 TB.
BIOS version : F.54 Rev.A
CPU : AMD A10-8700P (4C + 6G).
Internal GPU : AMD Radeon R6.
External GPU : AMD Radeon R7 M360.
Radeon version : AMD Radeon Crimson Relive 17.7.2 (27 July 2017) edition.
OS : Windows 10 64-bit.
More details :

Note : I used Catalyst driver 15.201.1101.0 Rev.B as base driver.
           (11 Sep 2015).

Hope you found the solution helpful.
If so, please do help others also.