Hi there. I can share your frustration. 6700 xt paired with 5600G.
Can't remember what version of Adrenalin, but I was able to OC/UV my GPU without any trouble in the world. The only game I play is Destiny 2. It worked wonderful, the game run as smooth as it could, hardly over 65 degrees.. Life was good.
Now, since 24.1.1, as soon as I make the smallest change to the GPU settings (Mainly any OC/UV) I cant run D2 more than.. 2 minutes? Even being in orbit crashes.
Don't know what they did exactly, but they really screwed up something. I saw that there was a BETA 24.2.1, but as soon as I changed the OC/UV settings, game crashed. Currently, the only way I have to play D2 is without Adrenalin installed, running on the Windows Update driver. (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. - Display - 31.0.12027.9001)
To be fair, I didn't try running D2 without changing the OC/UV settings with Adrenalin, maybe I'll give it a shot later, but it's frustrating not being able to use the software provided by AMD, specially when it also prolongs the life of the GPU.
Anyways, just sharing my experience and thoughts.
Have a wonderful day. Kind regards - Kahlimdor -