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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 XT crashes for all 3d games

I had just installed a new Gigabyte Radeon RX 5700 XT into a new MSI x570 gaming plus mobo. So far when i play any 3d game either the game crashes, the whole display goes berserk, or my whole pc will crash. I had tried using the most recent recommended and optional Drivers Adrenaline 20.1.3 and 20.2.1 as well as 19.12.1 but nothing has fixed the issues. 20.2.1 actually let me start the games and get to either the set brightness or first loading screen after the splash screens. I have read many times that the new 2020 drivers are the reason why its not working although it still occured with the 2019 driver as well.

So far I have tried OuterWorlds and crashes on first loading screen. Sunset Overdrive and plays for a good 3 minutes then crashes. Minecraft and crashes after 1 minute. Overwatch and crashes halfway through a match. Borderlands 3 and crashes at the set display brightness screen. Terraria and actually played with only one sudden freeze then continued.

I have checked on the GPUs utilization while playing and it seems fairly low then after a crash it shows a sudden spike to 100% for an unknown reason. I have updated my bios, all drivers, I am on the windows slow ring insider preview build.

This definitely seems to be a driver issue since each one affected it a little differently. Every fix i've found online doesn't help one bit and i'm getting really frustrated after paying so much for this new build. I understand if i will just need to wait for the driver to get better but i if this does happen to be hardware i don't want to get to the point where i can't replace it.

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