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Adept II

game sttuttering even freesync on

Im using LG 22MP68VQ monitor which freesync range is 40-75 and gpu rx 580 .But every game i play have stutter problem under 60fps.i get rid from tearing but my game does not feel smooth.why is it?if this stutter happens so, what is the difference between freesync on or of

22 Replies
Not applicable

your freesync display has a target FPS of around 60fps .. however if you used FRTC (frame rate target) in the drivers or in game it can cause some conflicts. Also enhanced sync and most other vsync technology requires FPS *above* the displays max limit. if you have a 60hz monitor you want to get a good 80 to 90 fps so your lows never really go under 60. Basically monitor always outputs at 60, and graphics cards working hard as it can to give it 60 but if it just throws it all out fast at it can, it may not be properly ordered to the "timing" of the monitors 60. This is why vsync exists and what it does. Its a software buffer by literally collecting your graphics cards higher than the monitors refresh rate frame output then neatly lines it up and smoothly feeds it to the timing of your monitors display. So if you are gaming at 1080p 144hz you'd wanna have 200fps. The awesome thing about freesync and what it does and why it exists is to lower latency and smooth out dips in fps and reclaim a small amount of system resources by having a hardware frame buffer built into the monitor so you can often disable vsync with freesync enabled in your monitors hardware and in amd adrenaline settings. To further enhance freesync and lower latency its recommended that you rather than cap FPS with a limit or FRTC instead use AMD chill it can lower input latency to the monitor by up to 64%. Basically your GPU outputs 200fps but your monitors only 120hz right so you can tell your GPU to output max 120fps and have a minimum fps when your character stands around talking or not moving the keys or mouse input at all the fps will drop to say 70 minimum the more you move the mouse, horizontally the faster the fps will ramp up to max. it will let your GPU be cooler and quieter and your FPS be smoother! You will just need to adjust your graphics settings so you can reach 200fps. I recommend setting everything to lowest or low then setting just the textures to be "medium or high or ultra" and check the FPS.. then toggle on a few things like screen reflections, chromatic aberration, lens flares, things that are very low requirements but improve the image. Leave shadows and lighting low or medium they are the worst for FPS usually disable ambient occlusion and you'll gain a good 20fps just with that maybe. 


what i asked in the post?i know all of this thing.You didn't understand my question. My question is why game stutter and lag so much even freesync turned on under 62fps.let you know in game vsync,enhanced sync and FRTC is turned of.I don't use frtc because my fps does not go above 75 in offline story game not online,i don't need frtc.In game when my fps goes down under 60 the game doesn't  feel smooth and stutter so much with freesync on

Not applicable

Freesync doesn't "get rid of lag" it reduces it slightly. it will say "minimizes lag at low FPS" which it does do. When the CPU and GPU output frames at speeds/rates different to those of the displays refresh rate with uneven numbers it causes stuttering. Say your monitor is 60hz.. your display gives it 27hz at a low point drop in fps. 27fps or so or 38fps doesn't really fit in to 60 that evenly. Divide 60 by 27 or 38 you will see LOTS of decimal places.. However 60 goes into 60 very well. When your CPU and GPU deliver frames to your monitor in decimal places and not the minimum 60 FPS your display requires, your display will stutter for a bit as it tries to output an uneven number of frames for a bit till the CPU and GPU's fps output becomes more even numbers or at least something that goes into 60 better like capping to 30fps the way consoles do. 

If you understand that stutter and lag happens when your fps is under 60 or not evenly divisible by 60 and are asking me why freesync doesn't magically make your computer output 200fps.. then well I don't have an answer for you sorry.

why i will ask you "why freesync doesn't magically make your computer output 200fps.. then well I don't have an answer for you sorry." i know about freesync is if my game gets 62 fps the monitor will give 62 hz or if i get 50fps my monitor will give 50hz etc.That is all i know about freesync.Anyway but thanks for inform all of this

Not applicable

An easier way of saying it, is theres a conveyor belt with a boxes with a picture in each box lets call this conveyor belt GPU. GPU conveyor belt runs at random speeds, sometimes very fast running at 8 meters per second sometimes only 5 meters per second, sometimes very slow. And then there is a second conveyor belt with empty boxes that need a picture in each of its empty boxes. We can call this conveyor belt Monitor. This conveyor second belt in the AMD factory has belt has a fixed speed of 6 meters per second. To grab the pictures out of the boxes from the GPU conveyor belt, we have to employ workers called Vsync to grab them by hand and try to move their hands at 6 meters per second to place them into the Monitor conveyor belt which gets the job done but the human element can cause a small delay in the assembly line of the factory. So AMD came along and installed a great big hardware Funnel chute between the two so Vsync doesn't really have much of a job anymore, he's been made redundant and gets to take his 10 year long service bonus and retire. The large opening on the chute funnel will catch all the pictures that drop out of the boxes even if their speeds are a bit different because the hardware funnel has a wide opening that it can accept the input of picture frames and evens them out to a targeted point of about say 6 meters per second. Since the funnel lets the pictures from the GPU conveyor belt slide down into the monitor belt faster than the employee vsync could grab them with his hands it speeds things up a little. However You're coming along and screwing around with the conveyer belt timings to make them terribly uneven, going into the AMD factory and pushing buttons and pulling levers trying to get the conveyor belt to jam up with a huge pile of picture frame boxes.. you're not letting AMD factory do their job because the manager hasn't been trained in the operation of the conveyor belt.  


AMD drives tend to double the value of hertz from the moment the FPS falls below 60. That is, 50 FPS tends to display an image at 100 hertz. 
Try this driver, and then share your gaming experience with AMD. With this... 
In short... You need a high hertz for a good gaming experience...

Not applicable

If your display is 120hz but your game FPS is 60 then of course its going to need to be doubled, you don't just output blank frames. Empty frames aren't a thing it always needs something to display or else our eyes wont see an image.

you will notice that if you set an AMD graphics card down to 23 or 30hz or so it may say interwoven or something like that they double them up to meet the displays minimum. Other cards that don't do this do do it but don't say it or advertise it. If they didn't you literally wouldn't see an image half the time.

But don't worry everybody, the AMD factory worker Vsync may be redundant for video games, however he's still got a job when it comes to streaming services like Netflix. You see the freesync monitors all have target FPS of about 60fps. They will often say 48-60fps you need to be above those for freesync to work or 60-144hz or something like that on them for the freesync range. So most movies and streaming services will use 23 or 24hz for their movies when they stream them online. Since this doesn't meet our freesync frame target, if you disable vsync or enhanced sync you may experience stuttering in Netflix and other streaming apps. So you should generally leave enhanced sync enabled in global settings even if you do have a freesync monitor for most things and individually set your game profiles to disable vsync where applicable. Some games with frame rate caps/limits built into them do their own vsync like stuff in a way but this is very very few and a rare exception where sometimes certain games tested with in game engine FPS caps tested better results than when using vsync in maybe several titles according to the internet so anything is possible but its more likely their game engine outputs strange or unique and tries to do it their own way so it may not actually be better than using freesync and vsync but you could certainly program a game to appear that way depending on how its outputting frames.  


There is no relevance between what you're telling and the problem OP has. FreeSync (so Adaptive Sync) synchronizes the FPS generated by the GPU to the hertz of the monitor. That's all. AMD drivers tend to correct the image by doubling hertz when the FPS falls below the minimum FreeSync range. However, monitors that do not support high hertz values can create problems similar to the problem experienced by OP. 

Not applicable

But every console works on 60hz tv’s and games just fine at 30hz and xbox one, playstation 4 both have AMD RX 480’s in them.. and the 4k consoles Xbox one X and ps4 pro, also both have AMD RX 480’s in them and game at 30’s on lots of 60hz displays

I’ve never seen someone throw their TV’s in the bin saying “dammit this thing is stuttering and lagging hard because its connected to a 60hz display I’ve got to buy a 2017 200hz SAMSUNG QLED TV to game on my xbox one or ps4 because everything else causes lag!!”


Don't you read what I wrote? FreeSync requires high hertz values to work properly. When the monitor does not have high hertz, it will stutter around 50FPS. Because FreeSync will be out of range. It's irrelevant that the consoles are doing well with 30 hertz. Please do not fill in this page with more unnecessary information.

thanx for informing this.Things are now clear for, it happening is my monitor is 75hz but if i get 50 fps the hz will double to 100hz but my monitor can't do that because it is 75hz that the lag happens.Is it?


If the driver is showing this trend, the answer to your question will be yes. 
Try this driver. First remove the old drivers with DDU in Windows safe mode. See if there is any improvement. If there is improvement, notify AMD with this... 
As I wrote before...
Note: You should try a game that does not fall below 40FPS to test healing. Also use FRTC and cap the FPS to 60 or 70.

ok i will try and let you know but why you suggesting me old version of this software?

Not applicable

Forgot to mention, you will often get stuttering or an occasional black screen for a second if you are gaming in 4k and you set the monitor hz refresh rate to 60! 60 is actually slightly over 60 being 60.4hz or something but HDMI 2.0b bandwidth can only fit under 60hz max so you need to set 59.964 or whatever for the hz rate at 4k with a hdmi 2.0b cable for example. Even if you are using display port you may be setting it to highest hz possible but the cables and standards may not support it.


i use LG22MP68VQ 1080p monitor with hdmi 2.0.if i turn on freesync from monitor setting the refresh rate turn into 75hz from 60hz

Not applicable

consoles are living proof you can game in low FPS on low hz displays and get a good gaming experience. 

The only thing I'm saying is, understand vsync and freesync then feed them the minimum FPS they require and your "stuttering" will no longer exist. If you cant understand the simple statement of "always output an FPS a bit above your displays max hz limit", or at least cap yourself to something that it can divide into evenly like 30 fps on a 60hz display. If you can't manage that and wanna complain about stuttering then you maybe should have somebody else setup your computer for you.


What release of the driver are you on? I know there was an invalid "ChillEnabled" registry key that was causing stuttering due to chill flipping on and off even when you think you have it toggled off. update to 19.10.2 because they have fixed this registry key in the latest release.


i am using 19.10.2


Stuttering or Tearing Problems with FreeSync and New Drivers 
There's a similar subject here. I'm the subject owner. There are differences between the old drives and the new drives between FreeSync driver. Because older drives have a flickering problem when they fall below 60FPS. AMD solved this problem. However, flickering may pass through stuttering for new drivers. In short, follow what I have already told you before. I've tested FreeSync trends for all the drivers that have been released in the last 2 years and I've had a problem similar to your problem. However, this forum link is so full of unnecessary information that it is difficult to solve the problem for this reason for you. 30 hertz behaviors of consoles, 4k behaviors ... The more unnecessary information there is, here it is.........

Not applicable

Enhanced sync removes the display cap limit on FPS and using chill means you can set targets to keep your FPS limited to a range and it works far better than using a “capped target” as capping FPS can sometimes cause stuttering but using chill is far less likely to.

Using a frame limit cap together with chill can cause stuttering too so either use one or the other in general. Ensure fps caps are disabled in your games as often they will conflict with chill or with enhanced sync and such and try to avoid using FRTC as if the game engine has a cap and they both try to cap it can cause issues too.

Sent from Mail for Windows 10


ok i tested the old 18.3.4 driver as you said and yes i got some improvement.The stutter and lagey gameplay was reduced by using this driver and my game play felt smoother than latest driver.Also 18.3.4 adrenalin software is so smooth to use but all the latest driver are very choppy to use 


Use this link and ask AMD for a fix. And share this forum link. It is full of unnecessary information, but the AMD service employee may find it useful.