I bought 2 GMKtec AMD NUCBOX PCs with an AMD Radeon 780M graphics card. Both NUCs work with my large screen without any problems. My girlfriend still had an old 24 inch monitor with a DVI connection. I converted it to HDMI using 2 different cables. The same problem both times. Each time the screen goes completely off after about 10 seconds via power. I then bought a new 27 inch full HD monitor from Philips. It also has exactly the same problem. The maximum resolution is 1080P. My 2 large screens work without any problems. I have also tried downgrading to the old software version. Unfortunately, completely uninstalling the AMD software didn't help either. I have been working in software distribution for 30 years. I have never seen anything like this before. Does anyone have any tips on what else I could do?
Today I install the oldest Version from Year 2024 from AMD. The same Issiue.
I have createt a custom Monitor Profile. It looks good. After a reboot the problem restart again. Any Idea?
Kind regards
Thank you for your assistant. I have to Adapter for the DVI to HDMI. First was a Cable direct DVI to HDMI. The Second was a Display Adapter to dvi from Dell direct. In addition, it was an old 24 Zoll Monitor.
I tried this cable again with the new Philips 273v. No chance. I tried 3 or 4 HDMI Cable to the Philips Monitor. After a restart at the latest, the Montior no longer worked
Can you try with a DP-HDMI adapter or does the system BIOS have an option to set the primary display output?
Hi I am not shure we have a DP-HDMI adapter. But I have one USB-C to HDMI. It was a good Idea. Now the Montior go after the Startup one time Black again but then it come back and it looks mutch better. In the Bios I dont found no key for the Device. The PC Box has a OcuLink. Maybe this is the Problem
Now it looks mutch better. I looking for another Adapter in the compay for trying. I give you next Week moor Feedback.