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PC Drivers & Software

Adept III

FRTC for single game, just like chill.

I'm creating this topic, after 3 years of testing both solutions - AMD Chill, and Frame Rate Target Control (FRTC). Im using RX 6800 XT for testing purposes. Here are my observations;
- FRTC create something like input lag. Game smoothness isnt right in some titles. For example Gates of Hell. Games that are CPU or RAM intensive doesnt work best with this function. Still, FRTC works in every title right from starting the game, which AMD Chill have problems.
- AMD Chill works IN MOST titles, but not in every part of the game. For example from starting the game to loading game world (map), it start working only once world is loaded - in menus, intros, it doesnt work. Sometimes its not even triggering in game world. If its active, it give minimal input lag, game feels much smoother. AMD Chill however doesn't work with Super Resolution or other options from adrenaline software.

I watched FPS counters and i'm sure both solutions was present during testing (not both at once ofc). I'm using LG 32" 1440p 144Hz display with FreeSync. I dont use V-sync. 

So conclusion is simple - both technics have some advantages and disadvantages in selected titles. While we can enable AMD chill per game, we cant do the same with FRTC. My ask is, make FRTC available per title, same as chill.

1 Reply
Adept I

yeah we need FRTC work on Per games because it is better when a game cpu bound make my frame time smooth and i have option in my screen to show you the frame graph of the VRR with FRTC make it super flat feel smoother and with Radeon Chill it is all over the place my VRR jump 60hz-70hz-90hz spike to 180hz go back to 60hz not smooth at all but with FRTC super smooth and flat VRR graph 120Hz all time we need FRTC work on Per games