I bought new pc recently.
The specs are
Rx 6700 XT Challenger
Ryzen 5 7600x
Ddr 5 16GB
Psu 750w bronze
Asus b650 gaming
Every game was working on ultra settings without any issues or GPU warming up (i got max 72 degrees). After the update was installed, around 8 pm 2 days ago, i couldn't either launch a game, play it, or have more than 10 fps. I have reinstalled drivers multiple times with DDU and downgraded to the older version and the problem was still there.
After i factory reset the whole PC, everything was running okay, but after 8 PM, it started same problems again (screen flicker, black screen, low fps, freezing only when playing games). What are the possible fixes? It is something related to software or drivers, the hardware is top of tops...
I have tried disabling the MPO also, still the problem persists; for example I played RDR 2 yesterday for 8 hours straight all on ultra settings, without any problems. After which I decided to go out to gym, later when I came back, my PC started crashing on games such as Warzone, rdr 2, witcher 3, and cyberpunk and my graphics card was shown as not available on the device manager, even in some games I could see that my graphics doesn't have full 12 GB but 7 or 8...
I have tried every possible fix available on the forums nothing works, could it be that my hardware is bad? I need to change some parts or whatever...