I just tested Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 WHQL driver for Windows 7 64bit OS.
Frame Rate Target control seems to be missing.
The GPU I tested it on supports FRTC.
Installing Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1driver for Windows 10 64bit OS on the same PC , FRTC slider is present and available.
Has anyone else seen this problem?
I tried the following types of install:
1. I removed previous drivers, installed Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 WHQL driver for Windows 7 64bit OS.
2. I removed previous drivers, installed Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 WHQL driver for Windows 7 64bit OS with Factory Reset Option.
3. I ran DDU to remove previous drivers. installed Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 WHQL driver for Windows 7 64bit OS.
4. I then tried installing Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 WHQL driver for Windows 7 64bit OS with Factory Reset Option.
Driver installed each time.
No Frame Rate Target Control in Gaming -> Global Graphics -> Advanced Menu.
I will try Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Optional for Windows 7 64bit next.
- Completed.
- Uninstalled Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1.
- Tried Full install, Full install with Factory Reset, DDU followed by previous 2 install types.
Global FRTC is not in the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1. or Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2. for Windows 7 64bit
Solved! Go to Solution.
(1). In the Windows 7 driver registry I only see the following:
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 0
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 60.
(2) Setting the following decimal values using regedit:
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 1 (Turn FRTC on).
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 33. (Set Max FPS Target for FRTC to 33 FPS).
(3). Reboot Windows 7 64 bit OS.
(4). Opening the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Windows 7 64bit GUI/UI. - still no FRTC Slider in the GUI/UI.
(5). Run 3DMark Fire Strike test, the test runs at a fixed maximum frame rate of...
33 FPS.
Just like I set it in the Windows 7 Registry above.
(A). The FRTC Functionality is still there in the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Windows 7 64bit Driver.
(B). The Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Windows 7 64bit GUI/UI has a bug where it is not hooking correctly into the FRTC controls in the driver.
(C). AMD Radeon Drivers Team should fix this BUG in the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1/21.3.2 GUI/UI for Windows 7.
I cannot use the AMD Bug Reporting Tool to report this driver bug as Data Trawl not o.k. for me.
Please raise this issue with AMD Drivers Team if you can.
I can investigate no further on Windows 7 64bit OS.
I mark this as the Correct Answer for the moment.
I would appreciate it if someone running Windows 7 could test Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 / 21.3.2 Driver and see if Global FRTC is present on their PC or not please.
Anyone tried this out yet?
Norton Internet Security says < 50 Users have installed Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 and about 100 have installed Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1. on Windows 7.
Now is your chance to increase the install base...
(1). In the Windows 7 driver registry I only see the following:
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 0
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 60.
(2). In the Windows 10 registry for the installation I see the following
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 0
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 300.
I do not think that is anything to do with no FRTC Slider / control options in the Windows 7 version of the Adrenalin 2020 20.3.1/20.3.2 drivers.
I will use regedit to set KMD_FRTEnabled 1
and see if changing KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested makes any difference.
FRTC has been removed a while ago.
I don't have it on Adrenalin s/w 21.2.3 which I'm using on my ASUS TUF Gaming Radeon RX 6900 XT OC together with Gigabyte Aorus FI27Q monitor.
Version 21.3.1, and 21.3.2 doesn't work very well for a lot of people, just see all the threads on this and other forums about the latest driver.
Instead You can activate Radeon Chill under settings > graphics menu and set min & max fps. You can even set both sliders to the same number if You want a more steady frame rate.
FRTC and Chill work differently, but can accomplish the same thing. FRTC would drop already rendered frames. This is what would cause the jitter. Chill just doesn't render them, which results in a smoother delivery and on top of that the GPU won't working so hard and its getting cooler and therefore less noise from the fans, depending of the sliders min & max setting of course.
Best regards from Sweden
FRTC was reintroduced in Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1.
It works in the Windows 10 64bit on the same PC.
The FRTC Slider is actually in the Windows 10 64bit Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 GUI/UI.
It works.
Installing the Windows 7 64 Bit OS on the same PC and
installing the Windows 7 64bit Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 Driver on Windows 7 OS.
No FRTC Slider in the Windows 7 64bit Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1 GUI/UI.
No user control of FRTC at all in the GUI.
I forgot to mention.
I want to use FRTC with Radeon Chill and Radeon Boost...
I do not want to have to install a third party Frame Rate Limiter like MSI Afterburner Rivatuner / RivaTuner stand alone, even though it is a better frame rate limiter than FRTC.
(1). In the Windows 7 driver registry I only see the following:
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 0
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 60.
(2) Setting the following decimal values using regedit:
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 1 (Turn FRTC on).
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 33. (Set Max FPS Target for FRTC to 33 FPS).
(3). Reboot Windows 7 64 bit OS.
(4). Opening the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Windows 7 64bit GUI/UI. - still no FRTC Slider in the GUI/UI.
(5). Run 3DMark Fire Strike test, the test runs at a fixed maximum frame rate of...
33 FPS.
Just like I set it in the Windows 7 Registry above.
(A). The FRTC Functionality is still there in the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Windows 7 64bit Driver.
(B). The Adrenalin 2020 21.3.2 Windows 7 64bit GUI/UI has a bug where it is not hooking correctly into the FRTC controls in the driver.
(C). AMD Radeon Drivers Team should fix this BUG in the Adrenalin 2020 21.3.1/21.3.2 GUI/UI for Windows 7.
I cannot use the AMD Bug Reporting Tool to report this driver bug as Data Trawl not o.k. for me.
Please raise this issue with AMD Drivers Team if you can.
I can investigate no further on Windows 7 64bit OS.
I mark this as the Correct Answer for the moment.
Thanks for documenting this colesdav - i gave up on FRTC being put back in and am still on Radeon Settings 19.12.1 w/ driver version 20.4.2. Did this get fixed for windows 7 64-bit at any point up to the last driver for GCN 1.0 - 21.5.2)?
Nope it appears they did not : ( 21.5.2 full install on Windows 7 fails to provide a FRTC slider. Trying chill or any other frame rate limiter in conjunction with Enhanced sync results in unacceptable stutter on my 60 Hz display. Back to 20.4.2 with Radeon Settings then. Very disappointing - this whole FRTC saga reeks of incompetence or forced obsolescence - outside of this i cannot understand why one would pull a perfectly good feature and leave your customer to choose between tearing, stutter or older drivers in the midst of a GPU shortage. I hope AMD learns a lesson... in effect the last good driver was 1 year earlier than the last official one. Glad i wasn't a 300 series or Fury customer.
This fault actually gives me massive trouble currently. I'm also running the old radeon settings as crimson version. But a recent steam updates messes with my radeonsettings and as soon as steam updates, I get a host application error (qt5core.dll) when I want to enter my radeon settings where all the installed games are listed and the wattman control is set.
With the latest drivers for window 7 this issue is gone, but also the frame target control which is crucial for me.
anyone knows if they deleted all the registry entries with 21.5.2 for windows 7?
KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1
KMD_FRTEnabled 0
KMD_MaxFrameRateRequested 60.
The only entry that is available is KMD_FRTCInitialStatus 1, the other two are simply not there 😞