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PC Drivers & Software

False Bans in Counter Strike 2 and Apex Legends. Anti-Lag+

Hello everyone, I've become a victim of the now increasingly wide spread userbase of players falsely banned by using newer AMD drivers that contain the Anti-Lag+ feature.

I was banned on Apex Legends on October 10th, not knowing why or how. I followed through with the steps needed to get answers on why it happened in the first place. EA Support was not helpful due to it being an automated system and not a human support agent. However, the users and community mods there gave me links to dispute my ban. It turns out that there's at least 20 people there that also are using RX 7000 series GPUs with Anti-Lag+ enabled and have gotten banned by Easy Anti-Cheat, the software used by EA/Respawn to protect their online server experience. 

Fast forward to October 13th, 2023 and now Valve releases a statement that Anti-Lag+ as used by AMD latest drivers are causing their VAC/in-house anti-cheat to automatically ban users in CounterStrike 2 - forever giving them a VAC strike on their account. I don't need to explain why that is horrible for a normal user as a VAC ban takes away a lot of your online rights and server access in a lot of games. 

My case is of course different from the many users that are also getting falsely banned on Counter Strike 2, but instead I was hit on Apex Legends by Easy Anti-Cheat. You can find increasingly many other users on the EA forums and now AMD/Apex Legends/CS2 subreddits that are getting falsely banned in either game.

I am still perma-banned on Apex Legends as of today as well, all 3 disputes used up and no longer able to make new claims. It's a horrible experience for a normal gamer of 20 years - who has never been banned or cheated in any online game, to lose access to a game they wanted to have fun playing. Apex Legends... 

I want to make this discussion thread to try to get an official response from AMD's team about this issue involving CS2 AND Apex Legends as EA is notoriously hard to get official information from.  I want to be assured that I will be able to not worry about similar issues such as this happening again, to not worry about my Steam account getting VAC banned or another online game's anti-cheat perma banning me and other users due to using an AMD feature. 


51 Replies

Adept I

Got a vac ban on cs2 with driver amfm preview + antilag activated.
 +10 years account with +300 games on steam  + 4000€ inventory.


Ouch, that's why I'm glad I didn't play that much games recently with the latest driver drops...

I've got a 10 year old + Steam account with over 800 games on it and thankfully I'm not VAC banned. 

I'm so sorry you got hit by this issue.

Adept I

I hope they will revert fast. They can't let that happen in any game.


Journeyman III

Iv played both since the drivers and iv received a ban on Apex i haven't received one for CS2 "yet"

I'm in the same boat. The problem is that most of the internet seems to think this only applies to CS2, most news are about CS2. And EA doesn't seem to be acknowledging this also affects Apex and is refusing disputes.


The driver already got pulled and both are aware of the issue. I expect the fix early next week and also the unbans.

Adept I

VAC banned, and I wasn't even on 23.10.1, I'm on the driver shared by Valve when the stuttering was fixed (

7900 XTX. AMD you **bleep**ed my holidays over completely, totally regretting coming to AMD.

Adept I

I just got banned on apex because of Anti-Lag, but I saw on LTT's Wan show that valve said they will unban all those who got banned due to anti-lag once AMD fixes the driver issue causing it, fingers crossed EA does the same

I just got unbanned from apex! But ya'll Remember to turn anti-lag+ off! or download the new driver that has the feature removed!

Adept I

The same issue for me... I upgraded drivers to the latest version to fix some issues with CS2 and the next day I saw a VAC BAN banner 😞
Now they have pulled out the latest drivers and I have downgraded my drivers to the previous version.
It's frustrating that they made such a mistake, There is no announcement, no regrets, or any updates about this.
It's been 3rd day since then, and I cannot play and i don't know when this will be fixed and unban my account.
Shame on you AMD.
Next time test better your "awesome new features"

Adept II

The vac ban occur even with anti lag disabled?


You can be banned if you play at least one game with AntiLag+ enabled.
If they ban you and you disable it nothing changes, we must wait for the unban from Valve.
Now I don't have AntiLag+ at all...but no reply from Valve or AMD emails.

Adept I

Same here, still waiting for the 3rd day now.

@amd just push the update with antilag+ removed for CS2 (and other affected games), then Valve can unban and you can figure out how to add proper support after that.

People getting banned in Apex Legends as well.

Adept I

What sucks even more is that the driver they reverted to (23.9.3) causes Hard locks that you have to do Graphics driver restarts when you browse the web with freesync enabled.

They Should have reverted to 23.9.1 or released a 23.10.2 with the Anti-Lag+ removed.

Adept I

Already 5 Days over and still no unban on Steam or any Answers from Valve or AMD. Its a shame......i just wanna have my Steam Account back.

Adept I


If this is not going to be fixed by Friday, I am going to make sure that the only thing AMD reads on all their communication channels is "Fix AntiLag+ VAC bans"


What a disaster AMD, should take you 1 hour to release hotfix where its removed so that Valve can do unbans.

What are you waiting for?

Thats not how hotfixing works........unless you want to have the next trouble.


But to act like that with lack of Information about us Customers is better? It was the last Time i bought an AMD Card. Pay 1200 Euros for the XTX to get a VAC Ban because of a Driver Feature.

If you got banned because of Anti Lag+ you will get unbanned anyway. Also, there was a statement via X/Twitter from Valve/CS2 and AMD pulled the driver. You just need a bit of patience to get that sorted out, and you can enjoy the games again. In the meantime, take a book and enjoy some quality time.


ugh, this forum blocked me for trying to post more than 2 posts for 21600 seconds -.-

It is, when all you need to do is remove a faulty feature. (thats the condition from Valve on the unbans)
Hotfix in the sense of removing a feature

Nothing to test

Then they can later sort it out with Valve on how to have AntiLag+ without getting VAC ban in peace, properly this time.

First things first.
We are literally being held hostage here..I am guessing because they are trying to get Valve to allow it, instead of removing it and getting unbans and sorting it out later how to get it implemented properly.
Plus the mark on our accounts can never be removed from certain places...ever
Permanent damage on our accounts and reputation. (plus nobody believes that VAC bans can be false or removed, Valve made sure of that, its a very public ban)

4 days now
I love AMD, but this is absolutely disappointing handling of an awful obvious gigantic mistake.

Valve is pretty clear on what needs to happen:
Does that sound like a 4 days job? no


There is a new Driver now. I guess Valve need to do their Job now and unban us 

The whole driver was about added new games for AntiLag+, so removing this feature does this driver make irrelevant. However, I do agree that they should put out an official statement. I personally don't think four days with a weekend is too long to fix this, especially when you consider that they need to talk to EA, Valve and some other companies on tech level, not PR guys.

The forum spam ban is kinda annoying, got it pretty often......

"AMD has received reports of some games triggering anti-cheat bans on gamers when AMD Anti-Lag+ technology is enabled on Radeon graphics. To address this, we have released the AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 23.10.2 driver that disables Anti-Lag+ technology in all supported games, and we recommend gamers use the new driver. AMD is actively working with game developers on a resolution to re-enable Anti-Lag+ and to help reinstate gamers who were impacted by the anti-cheat bans. We will provide more information when available."

Glad to see it.
Thx for sharing
Now its Valves turn

oh man, AMD support responds now with outdated info xD😄



oh few minutes later


Glad he noticed xD😄


Adept I

Any unbans yet? I am still waiting for Valve to unban me...
I have updated the latest drivers this morning


Still no unban. I guess they need time....maybe too long for that

Adept I

CS team are working on it a reverse patch i think - i am not 100 sure- but i read it somewhere and cant seem to find it again.
but more info here :


Nah i guess not. The Thing is maybe Valve is waiting for a New New Driver with the fixed Anti Lag + in it. I guess after this is not Happening we are still banned. And its a mess. 6 Days without any clear Information of both sides is horrible

AMD already released new driver a while ago

Now Valve is being slow

Reaching 7 days banned tomorrow


Yeah i know that Driver but it feels like it is a Driver for " dont do more Damage etc". Its not a fix for that Situation i guess. Tomorrow it will be 7 Days that i got banned


Valve made it a condition that they will not do unbans until AMD removes the feature from the drivers and releases an update.
That part is done now. Now Valve needs to unban us. Still AMDs responsibility to make sure Valve actually does it.


I could imagine that Valve wants to wait for few days so that as many people actually update. And then they will unban in one wave and be done with it (people could then later still be on old update and get a ban, I guess those will be the even less lucky ones...since who the hell uses twitter anyways? xD )

so no, not completely fixed yet

Tomorrow is the day when I lose my patience 😄


I hope so. One Week for that is too much. Also loose my Patience. Hopefully it will be fixed completly this week.....would be cool. If not iam really Mad


And there are still no People who report that they got the VAC away from their Profile. Nothing on Reddit, Twitter etc.

Adept II



My mate I was playing with got his premier rank completely deleted for playing with cheater (me with antilag+ for 1 day)

He needs to win 10 again to get rating. (had like 8000)

His xp/rank got lowered

He cant use voice, only text (weird?)

probably more he didnt check (e.g. trading?)

Weeks of playing just deleted (the xp is probably even lower than he had when CS2 released)


I seriously hope this is all reverted.


Totally messed up situation AMD

The same happened to me...
Upgraded to the latest driver for AMD RX7600 I played some games for 1 night...
The next day I was Vac banned and started investigating why until I found the AntiLag issue from some people on the forum.
Yesterday when I opened CS2 a new banner appeared saying that I was playing with cheaters at my party...
Most probably the same banner appears if you are banned or one of your co-players is banned.
They have lowered my rank deleted XP points and removed my rating for competitive skill .
I have to play again 10 matches now...
I have tried to contact them everywhere all the parties, steam,  emails, twitter... nothing... no word from anyone...
I have installed a new driver but I don't believe Valve will unban us soon.
It's frustrating and I am starting to get really angry, especially with AMD and Valve for this situation.
This is not professional at all!

They will and they also will reply but you all need to gain patience........


Think you need to go read a book ; )😉😉