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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Experiencing BSoDs for a while now 6700xt

I have a fairly recent prebuilt pc I bought back in July from best buy, it worked really good up until mid-September, I experienced my first pc crash and looked and saw "LiveKernelEvent 141". I chalked it off as something that just happened, then it happened again a week later and it started happening more often, once every few days, to everyday and it was very inconsistent, as in sometimes it would go back to happening once a week. Mid December came around it stopped for literally a month, I was so happy because I thought it fixed itself or something, unfortunately it happened a few days ago and it seems even worse this time. I've tried just about everything, factory reset, use DDU to uninstall and reinstall stuff, ive tested the ram and nothing came back. The only thing that stopped my pc from crashing was I uninstalled the gpu drivers and Im using my mobos integrated gpu or whatever and nothing has happened since, kinda too early to tell but it seems perfectly fine browsing the internet and writing this. I would love any and every bit of help I could get, thank you.

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