every crimson installation fails at some point, ussually at the end after clicking the "restart PC" button.
System just ends the installprogram with a falure and does not reboot.
following manual reboot, the first boot hangs within 5 sec on the desktop......
another following manual reboot and it finally starts without problem again.
This joke you call a driver/software package is really working on MY NERVEOUS SYSTEM.
Please get the software act together or i will keep calling you amateurs.
Also take into consideration there are other OS user languages than just plain American English.
Need more tips & hints ???
i also forget to mention that the first logon after first manual reboot, something tried to autologin cause i got the message about password being wrong.
So what hacks are you building into your crimson stuff then ?? Are you sure all your employees are trustworthy ? cause i'm not. all too often hacks infiltrate big companies for their personal gain & fun.
the things i see from AMD make me very worried, as if AMD is working for that other 3 letter agency('s).
It helps if you post your Computer information according to AMD Forum rules: INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION .
Please Post the MAKE & MODEL of Motherboard, GPU, APU/CPU, PSU etc. If laptop Exact MAKE & MODEL of LAPTOP with APU and both iGPU and dGPU.
Also current Windows or OS installed.
What is the issue? Your computer doesn't reboot? This has been happening to me for about 8 months. How did I solve it? Instead of click 'reboot' after installing the drivers, I click 'close'....and then restart my computer. Issue solved.
doesn't sound like driver issue more like display cable is stuffed. I had a simular issue blaming drivers & ended up finding a fried display cable. Another thing just check all your hardware its not the drivers fault usually the user doing something wrong.