When I'm playing games with Freesync + Enhanced Sync combined, the refresh rate of the Freesync monitor gets lower. For example, my Freesync monitor is capable of 144hz. When using Enhanced sync and I'm getting something like 200FPS, the refresh rate on the monitor lowers to 76hz rather than staying at 144hz until it gets lower than 144hz. Even when it's in my Freesync range, the refresh rate sometimes doesn't match the FPS in game when Enhanced Sync is on. Is this normal behavior? If not, what can I do to mitigate this issue?
GPU: RX 5700 XT
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 3700x
Ram: 16GB
PSU: 750 watts
Monitor: AOC 24G1WG4 w/ Displayport.
thats not normal behaviour...
use DDU in safe-mode to clean AMD driver
then update Win10 to 20H2
then install latest AMD driver
I will try that when I get the chance.
Unfortunately, it seems to still be doing it after trying those steps.
mh, do you have any overlays active?
like MSI Afterburner with RivaTuner or SteamOverlay or uplay overlay etc?
did you alter your panel-driver (like AOC offers a unsigned driver for my G24060PF that lifts FreeSync-Range from 48-144 to 35-144 or even a modded one for 30-144)
did you used CRU to OC your panel?
The only overlays I tend to have are the Steam overlay or Uplay one. I don't have those other programs installed. I have not tried installing the panel driver. I'm using the generic monitor driver that came with Windows 10, but that would definitely be something that I should look into. I'm not familiar with CRU or OCing my panel. In addition to that, my GPU is not OCed at all. I will give an update once I try out those suggestions.
I tried turning off all overlays and installed the driver for my monitor from the Manufacturer's website, but the issue still persists.
well here my to do list // test after each task and if its fixed you dont need to do the other stuff 😉
1. update Win10 to 20H2
2. delete C:/AMD && download 20.12.1 again && install it with "factory reset" option
3. use DDU in safe-mode to clean ALL drivers (Nvidia, AMD, Intel / not Realtek) // than reinstall 20.12.1
4. disable HDCP for each of your monitors
5. disable Win10 "Game Mode"
6. disable "fullscreen optimization" for your games
7. upgrade to newest MoBo Bios; newest vBIOS; disable XMP
8. do a fresh install of Win10 20H2 // first install should be chipset drivers; than audio; disable Win10 auto-driver-install + delete C:/AMD + instal 20.12.1 = all in that order 😉
I will try that thank you.
I tried all of the steps accept 7 and 8 for time constraints and I need to buy another flash drive to update the bios with to the latest one. Are there any other steps I could try?
I'm a bit late, but I completed all of those steps and the issue still persists for me, even after upgrading to the newest bios and vbios.
Any ideas on what I should do? I just sent a bug report to AMD yesterday, but I didn't get a confirmation email. I'm not sure if that's normal. Hopefully it did go through.
Turn off enhanced sync and use Radeon Anti-Lag. That's what I did with my RX580 and my 144hz Freesync monitor and the results were more fps with no issues.
Hey King, thank you for responding. To clarify on the issue, the FPS itself is good. When I put on Enhanced Sync, my Freesync Monitor's refresh rate will lower, especially when my FPS is over my refresh rate. For example, I could get 300FPS in game and my monitor's Refresh rate will go to something like 75Hz instead of just staying at 144Hz. Does that make sense?
How are you monitoring the refresh rate? I found a Redditt post that gives some info..helpful? I don't know, but it's interesting. Click the link to the full discussion.
BTW..do you have 'Radeon Boost' enabled? Vert sync disabled in the game?
I monitor my refresh rate using a setting on my monitor called "frame-counter". It's a bit misleading, but it actually measures the refresh rate on the monitor. I then use either the ingame FPS counter or the one in steam to measure the FPS with the refresh rate. I will definitely take a look at that link though. I appreciate it. I also don't have radeon boost enabled and I turn off Vsync in game.
Hey thanks for linking me to that post. Unfortunately, that reddit post seems to be referring to a different subject. That would be referring to if I wanted to keep my FPS at my refresh rate, I shouldn't use FRTC and instead use Vsync in combination with Freesync. What I'm trying to do is combine Freesync with Enhanced sync, but the refresh rate dips lower than it should when my FPS is over my monitor's refresh rate.
Enhanced sync always lowers my highest frame rate (compared to being off) in a game but raises the low end fps...(not monitoring screen refresh rate) which seems like a type of limiter. I suspect it is affecting Freesync in a similar way.
Here is something you might pursue > https://community.amd.com/t5/general-discussions/fyi-amd-has-live-customer-service-chat-feature-now/...
Yeah it's definitely really weird. It almost looks like it's trying to use Low framerate compensation on my monitor with the way the FPS interacts with my monitor. I'll definitely take a look into that link though. I appreciate the help.
Wish I could be of more help..but if you find out anything let us know?
I definitely will. Probably won't be tonight though.
Just an update on my situation. I tried contacting AMD support and I was able to reach an agent for both email and phone support. Unfortunately, neither one were able to assist me with this issue. The email agent was giving me a lot of canned responses and when I asked to escalate the issue, he ignored my request and proceeded to continue with the canned responses. I then asked to escalate again and my request was ignored. This was in 2/11/21. I have still not heard a response back from him. After that, I called in an the phone agent told me to do the same steps again that I have and rushed me off the phone. I just made another support request via email on AMD in the hopes that the issue will be resolved. Hopefully I will get better luck this time.
Try a new good HDMI cable or a DP cable.