So I did a little more testing and found a possible workaround (Not ideal though.
1. Boot the system eGPU unplugged
2*. (If not running eGPU) - end task Radeon Host Application. temps and power drop significantly and continue using the laptop
2*. (If wanting to run eGPU) - End task Radeon Host application
3. plug in eGPU
4. Run Radeon software app to restart the Host Application
5. Use computer as normal.
** The reason you must end the Host Application first even when plugging the eGPU in is that the host application does NOT drop it's usage lower when eGPU is plugged in, but if you close and restart the Host Application is run at it's normal 2-6% load vs 12 - 26% when it's left alone.
Hopefully AMD can see this and determine a way for the Host app to better understand what to do when an eGPU is plugged in vs not plugged in and it's pull on the system.
The above seems to work for me for now, I wonder if there's a way to automate this process??