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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED crash while playing Fortnite Battle Royale


Fortnite Battle Royale crashes frequently (31 times since Jan 19, based on FNBR error logs).  It happens with this (see title) exact error.  It typically happens 10-15 minutes into a game, I can't think of a time where it's happened in the very beginning of a game.  All my graphics settings in the game are turned to off/lowest possible aside from view (render?) distance which is set to high (not epic).  Framerate outside of this happening is usually fine (70-120 FPS range). 

System specs:

  • AMD Radeon HD 7850
  • Driver version 18.3.1
  • Win 7 64 bit, SP1
  • Intel Core i5-3570K @ 3.4 GHz

Here's the troubleshooting I've done thus far / additional info-

  • I've done a complete graphics driver uninstall/reinstall using DDU (and ensured Windows was completely up to date before doing so).
  • I've confirmed my graphics card isn't (and has never been) overclocked.
  • I've monitored my card's temperature while playing - it hovers in the 65-70°C range, I've never seen it past 72­°C
  • I tried the regedit fix I've seen posted elsewhere (adding TDR and setting it to 😎 - it just hangs for longer before crashing.
  • I've ran Memtest86+ to check my RAM.
  • I've tried updating DirectX but the installer from Microsoft says I have the most up to date version (I believe it's packaged with SP1)
  • ReLive is not enabled.
  • I tried running DISM but it said Error: 87, and "restorehealth option is not recognized in this context" - I think I read elsewhere it's not a solution on Win 7?
  • I ran SFC, it reported no integrity violations.

I read elsewhere that underclocking might be an option, and I'll try that if no other solution presents itself.




21 Replies

Set you power limit slider in Wattman as high  (to the right) as it will go for your card and give that a try. This typically fixes this issue.


I didn't know what Wattman was so I searched and found this -

I followed the guide to the point where I'm in Gaming -> Global settings, but I don't have a Global Wattman tab across the top.  All I have is Global Graphics, GLobal OverDrive, and Performance Monitoring.

In the Global OverDrive tab I see a Power Control slider which is set to 0% but ranges -20% to +20% - is this equivalent (if so, what do I set it to?)  If not, what should I do?


set to +20. What version of the drivers are you using btw. You should have Wattman unless they are pretty old.


I'm using 18.3.1 (Adrenalin)


Your card should work with Wattman which is installed by the newer AMD Driver full set. If you have AMD Overdrive (An old version of Wattman) you probably going to need to uninstall it after setting everything on the GPU back to "Default".

The following is just for Information only:

Radeon WattMan Requirements

Radeon WattMan is supported on AMD Radeon R7 260 Graphics Series products and higher. It is recommended to always use the latest compatible driver for your GPU when configuring Radeon Wattman on a Windows® based system.

Windows compatibility is dependent on the GPU. Please check the Product Resources Center for specifications and compatibility information.


  1. Radeon WattMan is not supported on APU Graphics or the AMD Radeon™ R7 370 Graphics Series.
  2. For APU Graphics, AMD Radeon R7 370 Graphics and products older than Radeon™ R7 260, performance tuning is available via AMD Overdrive.
  3. The availability of specific Radeon WattMan features will depend on the GPU being used

This from Reddit Forum:

Looks like you're the one still confused. Welcome to late 2013! That chart is totally outdated and incorrect.

  • Radeon R9 290X = Hawai XT = new card
  • Radeon R9 290 = Hawaii PRO = new card
  • Radeon R9 285 = Tonga PRO = new card
  • Radeon R9 280X = Tahiti XT = Radeon HD 7970 GHz Edition
  • Radeon R9 280 = Tahiti PRO = Radeon HD 7950 Boost Edition
  • Radeon R9 270X = Curacao XT (Pitcairn XT) = Radeon HD 7870
  • Radeon R9 270 = Curacao PRO (Pitcairn XT) = Radeon HD 7870 reduced clocks
  • Radeon R7 265 = Pitcairn PRO = Radeon HD 7850
  • Radeon R7 260X = Bonaire XTX = Radeon HD 7790
  • Radeon R7 260 = Bonaire = Radeon HD 7790 with reduced configuration
  • Radeon R7 250X = Cape Verde = Radeon HD 7770 GHz Edition
  • Radeon R7 250 = Oland XT = new card
  • Radeon R7 240 = Oland PRO = new card

After installing the AMD driver set. You need to activate Wattman in Radeon Settings as per the link you posted and where I got the info on Wattman Requirements.

Before seeing your post, elstaci, I'd tried adjusting the Power Control to +20% in OverDrive as pokester suggested, and I just experienced a crash with the same error.

I'm super confused.  I very recently (days ago) used the DDU to completely remove my drivers and reinstall the latest drivers I could find for my card on AMD's site.  I don't know how I wouldn't have the most up to date drivers.

Happy to try uninstalling/reinstalling again if you think that'd help.


Next things to try.

Is your windows power settings on High Performance. If not do that.

Second disable hybrid/hibernation sleep.

Third disable Fast Startup.

You can google all these, as to how to do them easily.


Windows power setting wasn't set to high - set it.

Disabled hybrid/hibernation sleep.

Can't find/disable Fast Startup - doesn't seem to be a feature of Windows 7?

Unless these require Windows to restart, this didn't do the trick - had another crash.


No sorry you are correct no Fast Startup that is Windows 8 and later.

But yes absolutely restart, you don't reinitialize the kernel if you don't.

That is also why it is asked to disable fast startup. Windows 7 always resets the kernel on restart. Win 8 & 10 do not by default, so changes or issues don't get resolved until a true full restart happens.

See if that helps and we will keep plugging away at this.

How many watts and what model power supply do you have?

I hate to see you have to resort to under-clocking too as this is the point of raising the power limit. Under-clocking effectively does the same thing but at a performance defect.


Haven't had a chance to test the latest fix yet (attending a wedding tonight, yay), hopefully will be able to tomorrow.

Just checking- I know you said I need to restart for some of those changes to take effect  Does that also include the power slider setting in wattman / overdrive? If so, I don't think I'd restarted after trying that.

In the meantime, this is my power supply-

And I know you didn't ask but I have 8gb RAM.

Journeyman III

Just crashed again (after implementing the previously recommended changes + rebooting the system).


Do you have AMD Overdrive installed? If you do that could be causing the crashes due to a conflict with Wattman. Even if Wattman is not installed.

If you have AMD Overdrive installed, uninstall it after resetting your GPU card back to "Default".  Go to Windows Uninstall in Control Panel and see if your see AMD Overdrive in the software listings.


very good point! or any other 3rd party overclock such as Asus, Trixx, or Afterburner

I don't have AMD Overdrive installed.  The only AMD software I have listed in Control Panel Add/Remove Programs is "AMD Software".

I don't have any overclocking software installed, either.


You know what, I got off track from your original post. Your original post was about the GAME of Fortnite Battle Royale crashing. I went to the website of the game and found out they have a very new patch 3.1 for the game. If you don't have this patch installed, install it. It might be the fix you are looking for. Here is a copy from the Patch 3.1 notes  that was sent out on February 28, 2018:


  • Crash fixes on all client platforms.


  • Controllers and Mice can now be used in tandem.


  • Notification UI has updated animations and now promptly exits the screen when dismissed by an action.
  • Added a confirmation dialog for exiting the game using the window close button on PC.

Bug Fixes

  • Ping times displayed in the Net Debug Stats panel have been improved to be more accurate by removing frame times from the calculation.
  • Removed some heavy hitching that could occur during texture streaming.
  • Fixed issue that caused location text in Party Finder to clip into buttons, now marquees properly.
  • Fixed issue where the input icon for selecting a lobby player podium slot would disappear after switching tabs.
  • Fixed some memory leaks that resulted in crashes


  • Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our snazzy new Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.
  • Hunting Rifle added!
    • Single shot rifle that has no scope and is effective at medium to long range.
    • Uncommon and Rare rarity.
    • Found in Treasure Chests and Floor Loot.
  • Adjusted inconsistent drop rates for various weapon rarities.
    • Burst Assault Rifle drop chance:
      • Common decreased by 20%.
      • Uncommon increased by 60%.
      • Rare increased by 150%.
    • Revolver drop chance:
      • Common decreased by 10%.
      • Uncommon increased by 33%.
      • Rare increased by 75%.
    • Tactical Shotgun drop chance:
      • Uncommon decreased by 10%.
      • Rare increased by 33%.
      • Epic increased by 75%.
    • These weapons had unnecessarily low drop rates as they progressed in rarity. This does not change the overall likelihood of finding these weapon types but it does increase your chances of finding a higher rarity version. - Developer Comment

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed discrepancies between crosshair location and muzzle firing location when shooting at close range targets.
  • Fixed shotgun collision inconsistencies when aiming through openings or around corners.


  • Minor adjustments to Loot in the following locations:
    • Snobby Shores (removed 13 Floor Loot spawn locations and 4 chests)
    • Industrial Plot north-east of Flush Factory (removed 4 Floor Loot spawn locations and 3 chests)
    • Tilted Towers (removed 8 Floor Loot spawn locations and 4 chests)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues where weapons would not equip because they were not pre-loaded.
    • This resolves the issue in which weapons did not equip / did not function during the early game.
  • Efforts have been made to address an issue where players are suddenly unable to build in rare cases.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred if players kicked the ball out of Greasy Grove or the Soccer Stadium.
  • Fixed some edge cases where players pushed up against ramps / ceilings could toss grenades through to the opposite side.
  • Fixed the Boogie Bomb not properly refreshing its duration on a player who is hit with more than one.
  • Fixed an issue that reduced the distance that the light on chests could be seen.
  • Fixed the soccer scoreboard awarding points to the wrong side in Pleasant Park.


  • The new ‘Lucky Landing’ point of interest has been added to the southern edge of the island.


  • You now receive Party Suggestions while in the lobby.
  • Rich presence now provides the player’s party size.
  • Added new intro/outro animations to the party invite notification.
  • Invite notification now closes upon being clicked.
  • Presence text that is too long will no longer overlap the Invite/Join buttons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where you couldn't emote in lobby if a player left.
  • Fixed an issue where changing language to Chinese or Korean would not render text properly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the ‘60 FPS’ mode to reset back to 30 after relaunching the game on PS4.
  • Fixed an issue where the Party Finder dialog could double spawn.
  • Fixed an issue where full parties would show as solo players and appear joinable.
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes the Invite/Join action wouldn’t show correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where the party bar sometimes wouldn’t show party members while in a filled squad.


  • Re-enabled sprinting dust effects on low settings.
  • Hip fire positioning is now maintained if a player fired recently and switched weapons.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed player jittering when sliding against a surface.
  • Fixed an issue causing other characters to not animate while spectating them after being eliminated.
  • Fixed an issue where weapons were unholstered early when using Emotes.
  • Fixed character body parts not animating at low framerates.
  • Fixed shield visual FX not properly displaying on the Alpine Ace and Crackshot outfits.
  • Updated the flag on the arm of the USA Alpine Ace to face the correct direction.


  • Reduced the volume of the Hand Cannon audio to match that of the Revolver.
  • Reduced the volume of the Windmills found in Anarchy Acres and Fatal Fields.

Bug Fixes

  • Set the volume of hitting weak points back to what it was prior to V.3.0.0.
  • Fixed an issue where building placement sound would play repeatedly while skydiving if you had the Pickaxe equipped in the lobby.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the lobby music to restart every time it was attenuated to 0 volume because of music from emotes.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the Storm Audio to play from an invalid location in the map.
  • The build mode ‘click’ sound no longer plays while the player is downed.


  • Improved overall frame rate by using less CPU for characters that are far away.
  • Optimized weapon load times and reduced their memory usage.

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Can I Run Fortnite: Battle Royale

Check the Fortnite: Battle Royale system requirements. Can I Run it? Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 5,000 games a month.

Click on the "CAN YOU RUN IT" it will download a small program that will let you know if your computer can run the game.

I highlighted the parts that involves crashes. Let me know if you have this patch installed and if you do install it whether it makes a difference.


here is the Minimum and Recommend Computer Requirements to run the game:

Here are the Fortnite: Battle Royale system requirements (minimum)

  • CPU: Core i3 2.4 Ghz
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • VIDEO CARD: Intel HD 4000

Fortnite: Battle Royale Recommended Requirements

  • CPU: Core i5 2.8 Ghz
  • CPU SPEED: Info
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 64-bit
  • VIDEO CARD: Nvidia GTX 660 or AMD Radeon HD 7870 equivalent DX11 GPU

I've had this patch since it dropped (Epic Games forces patches, and they update FNBR weekly), and I've had 18 crashes since that patch.  Nothing new/good about it.

I have minimum recommended specs to run the game, and the only piece I fail on recommended specs is my graphics card (my HD 7850 vs HD 7870 or better).


The minimum is a Intel HD 4000. It Recommends a HD 7870 for  playing the game well. So you should be good to go.

Have you opened up a Post at the game site Forum and see if anyone else is having similar problems?

Otherwise, I would contact the games Support site and see if they believe its a GPU driver or Game issue that is causing the crashes. Most likely they are going to say it is a GPU driver issue but they may offer some suggestions on how to configure the game so it won't crash.

You can always try a Previous AMD driver and see if the crashes stop. Also check to see if your Motherboard's Intel Chipset and BIOS is up to date. You didn't mention the Make and Model of your Motherboard. Updating the Intel Chipset and also the BIOS will make newer drivers work correctly. Only update the BIOS if you're totally comfortable doing it.

Otherwise, Good luck. Hopefully either a AMD driver or Game patch update will fix your problem.


I posted on their forum before posting here.  I didn't get a response.

Others have posted similar problems (there, on reddit, on other forums).  No fixes reported outside of what we've tried.

All that said, I think I may have figured it out!  A few days ago I noticed I was crashing more frequently and earlier in a match.  My apartment was a few degrees warmer than normal.  I figured it was a temperature issue.  I'd been monitoring my processor and GPU temps for awhile now - GPU still never went above 70-72°C, but maybe just being there was unstable for my card for whatever reason.  I installed MSI Afterburner and setup a custom fan speed profile based on GPU temp.  Knock on wood, but keeping temperature at/below 68°C seems to have solved the issue.

Sorry to have you two working so hard when I should have put more effort troubleshooting temperature earlier in the process.  Regardless, thanks for all your help!


Glad to hear you found out, at least for now, the cause of your problem. I find it really strange that your GPU card would start acting up at temperatures above 70 degrees C. Normally that temperature would be easily within range of most GPU cards. From what I have been reading the 7850 can operate in temperatures around 80 degrees C.

But the point is moot, Since your card works correctly below 70 degrees C. that is all the matters.


Well honestly the standard fan profile should work unless your operating the card outside of standard settings. I understand your frustration. I figured that out to and set custom fan profile in Wattman so mine never goes above 65 and no more lockups from heat. Anything over  70 locks me up and even this is within what the card should do. The good thing about the using Wattman to control these over afterburner is that the power phasing, clock speeds and fan speeds all dynamically change and it doesn't become incompatible with the Chill function. The Wattman feature when everything is working is truly awesome. It's just unfortunate that the default fan and power limit settings don't appear to work for so many people. Gotta wonder why the don't just give in and by default give the cards more power and click the fans on sooner, and save all everyone the the headaches of lockups and struggling to find solutions where we can.