I downloaded the latest hpl linpack benchmark. When I run hpl, I get the following symbol lookup error.
Does anyone know if this is a bug with ompi414? Should I try older version of ompi?
[admin@24498-compute1 ~]$ ls aocl-blis-hpl-mt-aocc-avx512-4.0.0.tar.gz
[admin@24498-compute1 hpl-aocc-avx512]$ ls
appfile_ccx appfile_ccx_4x32 appfile_ccx_8x16 HPL.dat ompi414-aocc run_hpl_ccx.sh xhpl_ccx.sh
appfile_ccx_2x96 appfile_ccx_4x48 blis jemalloc README xhpl
[admin@24498-compute1 hpl-aocc-avx512]$ bash run_hpl_ccx.sh
Subcommand frequency-set needs root privileges
/home/admin/hpl-aocc-avx512/ompi414-aocc/bin/mpirun: symbol lookup error: /home/admin/hpl-aocc-avx512/ompi414-aocc/bin/mpirun: undefined symbol: opal_libevent2022_event_base_loop