i am seeing a lot of complaints that Driver Ver 18.4.1 is lagging up peoples systems i too installed "18.4.1" and now i am getting a micro lag every few sec making my PC complementary unusable...
Running Windows 10 Pro Version 10.0.16299 Build 16299
intel I7 7700k
install windows updates and see how well you box works after that, there are lots of fixes for cpu woes
I have the same problem as I understood the only way to solve it, wait for the next update (
Thanks for the post. To submit your driver bug report to engineering, please use this form.
same for me!
yesterday i updated my radeon driver from 18.2.1 to 18.4.1!
after the update i got every second whole screen lags. So not only my mouse laged the whole screen stand still for milliseconds.
i restarted my pc and hoped to solf the problem but nothing worked for me. i uninstalled 18.4.1 and installed 18.2.1.
running Win 10 Home, Version 1709, Build 16299.431 with intel i7 7700k and rx 480.
having the same problem.
if you have a close look the micro stutter is caused by the driver ramping up and down the gpu core clock.
for example when in guildwars, theres many places, one for example a nice waterfall, where if you look at it, the gpu core clock fluctuates between the base clock and 300...
with old driver it works just fine...
AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
MSI 970A-G43 (MS-7693)
Radeon (TM) RX 480 Graphics
Microsoft Windows 7 (6.1) Ultimate Edition 64-bit
What is the model of the mouse you are using ?
im using a G500. i tested afew mouses before when i had this problems for months but i can say i have all this problems with different mouses. Thats definitly a gpu driver problem
We have investigated this and it requires an updated driver from Logitech. You can get it here : Gaming Mouse G500 - Logitech Support
i tested that and yes you are right there is an update for the G500 but this doesn't help to fix the problem. I have the same issues like before.
The wohle display freezes for 0.5 seconds every 3 seconds! when the whole display freezes the mouse freezes, too. So why should this only a mouse driver problem when the wohle screen freezes every few seconds?
In my opinion it's not a mouse problem but a gpu driver problem!
ray_m wrote:
We have investigated this and it requires an updated driver from Logitech. You can get it here : Gaming Mouse G500 - Logitech Support
I have an old Logitech mouse and it has never been problematic, wonder if only some models are affected like the one mentioned?
hardcoregames™ because logitech needs to update the software/firmware
It has nothing to do with mouse drivers or Logitech itself it is a system-wide freeze up it will do it regardless if my mouse is plugged in or not or any other Mouse I plugged in
locodicegr wrote:
hardcoregames™ because logitech needs to update the software/firmware
AFAIK logitech is pretty much same as MSFT mice, they work out of the box
Logitech has it's own driver software, SetPoint, which has always been problematic. Most people don't even install it and let Microsoft handle it. There are frequent updates that must be installed for it to function properly...especially with the wonder OS...Win10.
I never install software for mice, all it does is wastes memory
depending on the OS and the mouse .
the OS, afaik windows doing it like that, automatically installs a default driver for the hardware. It will work, but if its anything else than a standard mouse, you'll miss out features like programmable key's, scripts, profiles, rgb modes, etc.
I have the same stuttering issue, but I don't have a G500 mouse. Instead I have a K800 keyboard from Logitech. Unfortunately there isn't a new firmware available.
With the 18.3.4 AMD driver everything works fine.
Same issue here tested with logi drivers 9.00.42 still have the issue reverted back to "win10-64bit-radeon-software-adrenalin-edition-18.2.1-feb7" fixes issue.
Yep, same here.
Clean W10 Pro with included April's update was recently installed, 18.4.1 randomly freezes the whole system on RX 560 4GB.
Switching workload makes the option for selecting it to disappear on the next Settings restart.
Mining is not possible at all and GPU Usage drops randomly.
My mouse is just a basic mouse though.
reinstall the VC 2015 redistribution package. the message you're getting indicates that the software is having a problem bec. you somehow failed to give it the requirements.
I had the same Problem, so i tried to understand why i get those lags. So i Uninstalled the Driver Ver 18.4.1 and custom installed it. I did tick everything but the monitor driver. After the install was finished, i didn't have the lag anymore. So my Conclusion is: " The Problem for you and me is, the monitor driver." But i still hope AMD is gonna fix that darn bug ;D hope it works for you too
okay i installed The 18.4.1 Version again and i noticed it was the fault of my second monitor, I only have one Hdmi port, but 3 Dp ports. so both monitors use hdmi cables, and i used my second monitor with the hdmi to Dp adapter. i pulled out the hdmi cable with the hdmi to dp adapter of my second monitor and voila the lag was gone, so i now have the Hdmi to Dp adapter on my Main screen and put my second monitor's Hdmi calbe in my only Hdmi port, short i switched The adapter to my main screen and now the lag is just gone 😮 maybe you also have two screens, so if you do have try and detatching your second monitor and look if the lag is gone... so i basically don't know why this is working, but it worked for me.
thanks mr.namevergeben!!!! I had also freezes/stuttering for 0.5 second every 2 seconds and after removing my second monitor (both connected via DP to HDMI Adapter) the freezes/stutter disappeared! I hope this helps to get it fixed for the next driver update...
My system: i5-3570K and RX-480 8GB