DId you buy this PC as a complete computer or did you build it?
If you build it, check the motherboard's Support site and see if they have Graphics drivers for your APU.
IF it is a PC you purchased, then check the Support site of the manufacturer of the PC for Graphics drivers for your APU.
You can use a small free program called SPECCY to see what Make & Model Motherboard you have. Then go to the Motherboard's Support driver download page and see if it has any graphics drivers for your APU.
If it is a custom OEM Motherboard then you need to go to the PC Manufacturer Support site for driver downloads.
Try installing the A6-9500 WHQL Driver which seems to indicate it is compatible with A Processors with R5 graphics from here: https://www.amd.com/en/support/kb/release-notes/rn-rad-win-20-1-3