First of all all HD 3000/4000 series GPU cards are very old and not supported by AMD driver updates. The only way to find a compatible AMD driver for any HD 3000/4000 GPU cards in both Windows 10 and 11 is by allowing Windows Update to install the most compatible AMD driver. If you need a newer AMD driver than you will need to upgrade your GPU card to one that is supported by AMD.
All RX 400/500/600 series GPU cards have limited AMD driver support. They are still supported but the drivers won't be updated as frequently as the newer AMD GPU cards that are fully supported.
If you can explain more clearly exactly the issue you are having plus post your PC information and Windows OS and AMD driver installed and any error messages that pops up when you try to downscale.
Go to Windows Device Manager and see any errors that are showing and post it once your PC is working normally and you try to downscale.