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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Does FREESYNC make a difference?

With Freesync enabled, is it necessary to activate Vsync within the game? Does Freesync condemn performance? (If enabled, drop FPS, or input lag)

4 Replies

With Freesync enabled, is it necessary to activate Vsync within the game?

Yes. Because FreeSync does not work when you receives high FPS compared to monitor refresh rate.

Does Freesync condemn performance?

No. But since you will enable vsync, high FPSs will blocked by vsync.

If enabled, drop FPS, or input lag

FreeSync increases input lag. But I doubt that you will feel it. So the difference is not noticeable.

My LCD supports FreeSync but I have not noticed it much at all as my RX 480 is powerful enough to handle the games I through at it.


The Question:

With Freesync enabled, is it necessary to activate Vsync within the game? Does Freesync condemn performance? (If enabled, drop FPS, or input lag)

The response:

My LCD supports FreeSync but I have not noticed it much at all as my RX 480 is powerful enough to handle the games I through at it.

Very helpful...are you being paid by the posts?

no need for giant text. FreeSync is very widely supported now with panels from the last 2 years or so now have it standard.

most panels still have it on the OSD to enable or disable

I use it mostly so that when a game framerate gets a tad sluggish I do not get screen tearing etc

As for vsync in games, I leave them for the most part at default and only adjust the resolution if it is does not match my panel natively