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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Does Enhanced Sync need V-Sync enabled for it to work?

I was told that v-sync needs to be enabled in the game itself for enhanced sync to make a difference, but I'm not entirely sure if this is true. 

1 Solution

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! In fact VSYNC needs to be OFF to use Enhanced Sync.

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6 Replies

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! In fact VSYNC needs to be OFF to use Enhanced Sync.

I see, thanks. Don't know where I heard otherwise. I guess I heard it wrong. 

It's not true. Vert sync must be turned off in game menu.

See this video. I think it is quite good at explaining it.
Enhanced Sync: Tech Talk - YouTube 

Every time I turn on Enhanced Sync it freezes and crashes the games I run though.

I am not sure if you can read this new Adrenalin 2020 20.1.4 GUI but if you look at this screenshot.
Turning on "Enhanced Sync"
Disables the "Wait for Vertical Refresh Button"  and darkens it and sets it to "Off unless applications sepcifies".
Which I guess is an indication that you should turn off in game Vsync maybe ...


The above is the best GUI scaling I can get on my 4K display with Windows 10 Pro that will fit on one screen, sorry if it is difficult to read.