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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

Do you like the new interface of Adrenalin 2020 Edition?

Do you like the new interface of Adrenalin 2020 Edition?
Personally yes, but not too much. I like the idea and the single elements of the interface, but overall it’s quite a mess. Everything should be reorganized a little bit.

456 Replies
Adept I

looks nice, much nicer then nvidia that seems like something from 10 years ago, but it works. AMD doesn't.

AMD please stop trying to reinvent the whell, make the cards perform without bugs then slowly introduce one feature at a time. You're just making to much all at the same time, i suspect all this untested options that keep poping out and coming and going are interacting badly with Windows and the apps we use.

No one ever bought a AMD card because of the UI. On the other hands lots of people are moving away from AMD because of the damn drivers

Nvidia have GeForce Experience for game launching, optimization, recording, streaming, game filters etc.
It looks pretty modern to me.
It is true that the Nvidia Control Panel does look old. It need some work but it is easy to use and it works for me.

This Adrenalin 2020 interface looks very like Raptr AMD Gaming Evolved, from 2013, only worse.
AMD's Gaming Evolved Application & The Test - The AMD Radeon R9 290 Review 

Adrenalin 2019 19.12.1 looks most modern UI/GUI to me, is much easier to use, still has Global FRTC separate to Chill_Max.
It also has a useable Radeon Overlay / and useable Game Advisor.
It isn't perfect but it is much better than Adrenalin 2020.


NO, I don't like it. I will say the same thing I have said for 3 years now and it is only getting worse not better every year. AMD adds un-needed fluff and apparently spends little time making features work right and the drivers generally stable.

It seems that instead of fixing features that didn't work right in some cases like FRTC they just choose to remove them altogether? Criticize the green team for having an old looking interface all you want but it works, and the features increase, not disappear. You know where to find them and they work year after year. Why AMD chooses to waste money on an interface instead of drivers is beyond me. It is still far too complicated for most newbies to understand and advanced users don't seem to like it. 

Adept III

Please bring back FRTC!

Thank you!

Adept III

no, remake was totally unnecessary. 2019 was neat, clean, and well organized. waste of time and resources

Some positive things.
I can install Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3 without connecting to the internet.
The CPU utilization report is now working for Ryzen 2700X.

erm... thats it.

colesdav wrote:

Some positive things.
I can install Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3 without connecting to the internet.
The CPU utilization report is now working for Ryzen 2700X.

erm... thats it.

Given I have a clean install of Windows 10, all of the stuff seems to be working fine on my MSI X470 Gaming Plus.

Some minor problem but games I own seem to be working fine.


I have a clean install of Windows 10 as well.

Journeyman III

Well. I torture myself reading all these ramblings and bother line obsessive nitpicks of this package driver.

Let's take the high ground. Let's put some sense; or at least try.

No, it's not cluttered. Not an expert of UX design but you got all the ingredients for a good and clean interface. Category sections relative for your workload. You have useful tooltips. You have some sort of automation with presets tailored to your needs (global profiles presets).

There it's zero bloatware or (you guy don't know what actual bloatware on programs you normally find)

Your graphic card has near zero penalty of having the control panel (that mind you it's basically frozen until you open the overlay) {If you even have it activated}

Antilag + enhanced sync works most of the time provided you are using Fullscreen (not borderline) and vsync it's activated in game (can be made nonfunctional by the implementation of vsync by the developer)

Radeon Boost. Simply works. Not magic, It's not a mesias, but works. Caveat? Only works in a couple of handpicked by AMD games. The Global toggle doesn't do anything by itself. Simple it's there for quick disabling on testing.

FRCT it's simply not longer necessary. If you choose to limit your framerate you are either saving power (Chill) or limiting for delay input purposes. You tackle this with either Freesync+ ingame vsync or by Enhanced Sync+ Anti lag.

There literally not other use.

Relive, Link, Advisor, etc are not means bloatware of any kind. There zero processes utilizing your GPU not even your CPU while your gaming by these features existing. Even then YOU find it useless. The world it's big; some do, some don't (I do)

You aren't really deciding on importance of features.

Gamer Nexus made that video in frustration with actual problems like TDRs partial installation or corruption on installation. Or things like fan curves not being applied or randomly working.

They are not but any means the supreme authority of anything (and I really know they do)

That was a quick video filler of CES coverage. They were (and totally so) frustrated with current AMD software, nothing else.

Finally, If actually want that much give feedback about how your software don't do your exact expectations of it. By no means contact directly AMD by their report feature. This forums are totally not for mass hate of new things because they are not exactly how they were tm or this feature should work on any workload, scenario and configuration possible 'cause i deserve it'.

Radeon Chill guys. Enhanced your FPS a bit and boost your happiness a bit. We are all working to do things good ❤️


 RE: Well. I torture myself reading all these ramblings and bother line obsessive nitpicks of this package driver.

Let's take the high ground. Let's put some sense; or at least try.

You seem to have a very superior view of yourself. Describing genuine user testing and feedback with evidence supplied as "ramblings"  or "obsessive nitpicks" is very condescending to AMD users who are only trying to give genuine feedback.

RE: No, it's not cluttered. Not an expert of UX design but you got all the ingredients for a good and clean interface. Category sections relative for your workload. You have useful tooltips. You have some sort of automation with presets tailored to your needs (global profiles presets).

That's your opinion. It is a mess in my opinion.
AMD should have had an expert on user interface design to design the UI in the first place.
Hire one and get them to try to use this Adrenalin 2020 interface and see what they find.
I do not think you need an "expert" to look at it. Just try to use it. See my feedback about it.

RE: Radeon Boost. Simply works. Not magic, It's not a mesias, but works. Caveat? Only works in a couple of handpicked by AMD games. The Global toggle doesn't 

Sure it reduces resolution and slightly increases frame rate above the frame rate seen when the game character is stationary on one of the supported games I tested.
On the other it did nothing at all.
What is the point of it?
Why didn't AMD focus on fixing Radeon Chill to make it more useable and give back some of the performance adjustments to Chill that were/are available in Hialgo Chill settings file?

RE: FRCT it's simply not longer necessary. If you choose to limit your framerate you are either saving power (Chill) or limiting for delay input purposes. You tackle this with either Freesync+ ingame vsync or by Enhanced Sync+ Anti lag.

There literally not other use.

There is.

What if you want to game with VSync off? There are reasons you may want to do that. Such as a poorly performing AMD GPU that cannot manage to hit 60 FPS for particular game setting and resolution for example.
Global FRTC is needed if you use DX11 Crossfire to keep frame rate in check.
Chill does not work on every game.
Chill does not always work as it is supposed to.
Chill incurs a significant performance hit for keyboard only input such as holding W or Shift+W down.

Global FRTC is needed - It is needed to be separate from Chill Max.
It seems AMD have decided to tie Chill_Max to the previously available Global FRTC.
This means that Chill performance is now crippled if you want to limit your Frame Rate to a low value above your Chill_Min setting.
There are lots of problems to fix with Chill.
Rapid mouse movement should lock to Chill_Min. It does not any more in Adrenalin 2020. Therefore if I set Chill_Max to 300 to get reasonable keyboard only input FPS, the frame rate increases towards 300 limit with rapid mouse movement. This is enough to crash the RX Vega 64 Liquid in the example I gave.
Turning on Enhanced sync with Chill crashes my GPU.

See my feedback.

RE:Relive, Link, Advisor, etc are not means bloatware of any kind. There zero processes utilizing your GPU not even your CPU while your gaming by these features existing. Even then YOU find it useless. The world it's big; some do, some don't (I do)

That is your opinion. For those of us who dislike those features then AMD should provide a switch to turn them off.

RE: There zero processes utilizing your GPU not even your CPU while your gaming by these features existing

Well AMD must have done some programming magic for Game Advisor then if it uses no CPU or GPU resources. Does it use some form of Quantum Computing magic?
In any case - Because the the Game Advisor is always on it is clearly reporting total nonsense FPS which means it is giving the wrong advice.
How do you find that useful?

RE: You aren't really deciding on importance of features.
I am giving my feedback.


Gamer Nexus made that video in frustration with actual problems like TDRs partial installation or corruption on installation. Or things like fan curves not being applied or randomly working.

They are not but any means the supreme authority of anything (and I really know they do)

That was a quick video filler of CES coverage. They were (and totally so) frustrated with current AMD software, nothing else.

RE "actual problems"
This GUI interface is an "actual problem" in my opinion.

Anyhow wrong video - watch what they say about RX5600XT - they have started to look into many other AMD Driver related issues.


Finally, If actually want that much give feedback about how your software don't do your exact expectations of it. By no means contact directly AMD by their report feature.

I do not understand what you mean at all. Please explain what you mean.

RE: This forums are totally not for mass hate of new things because they are not exactly how they were tm or this feature should work on any workload, scenario and configuration possible 'cause i deserve it'.

What are you talking about?
I see no "mass hate of new things because they are not exactly how they were"
I see feedback about a very badly designed Adrenalin 2020 User interface in comparison to the previous Adrenalin 2019 one which was "almost there"..

I am very interested in new things if they are an improvement or a driver bug fix.

RE: 'cause i deserve it'.
What are you talking about?

RE:  Radeon Chill guys.
I can't "Radeon Chill" any more in Adrenalin 2020  because of what AMD have done to it.
It is now either too low FPS if try to set Chill Max to 59 or it crashes my GPU if I set Chill Max to 300 - read my feedback. Is it not clear enough?

RE: Enhanced your FPS a bit.  
If you are talking about Enhanced Sync I cant use it because it freezes and crashes the GPU

RE: and boost your happiness a bit.
I can't. This driver is unstable, boost is pointless. I return to using Adrenalin 2019.12.1 where Radeon Chill actually works and I can fit the Driver GUI into a 4K screen.

RE: We are all working to do things good ❤️
Who is we?
Are you from the Radeon GUI Software Development Team?
If you working to do things good you failed completely with this interface in my opinion.


@colesdav I always hate that phrase. But well. Ok boomer.

If you think I'm being condescending, look at yourself. There are +9 pages of you saying AMD that you don't like the new interface because “it's your opinion” and matters and need to be fixed ASAP.

In logic “that's your opinion” it's not an argument it's a fallacy.

Go ahead and install the U0351045 inf file from the package. Do a benchmark on it vs a functional installation of Radeon Settings (and Software)

You will find negligible results. But don be discouraged, try it. You find all that potential hidden performance on your V64 LC and High end processor system (*chuckles*)

If you are so confident about your “findings” go ahead and report them here:

AMD Issue Reporting Form for Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 19.12.2 & 20.1.3 for Desktop Rad...

Have a good day ?)


Do you work for AMD as a Software Developer or GUI Interface Designer?

RE: colesdav I always hate that phrase. But well. Ok boomer.
What phase do you hate? "colesdav"?
What do you mean by boomer?

Are you resorting to personal insults now?

RE: If you think I'm being condescending, look at yourself. There are +9 pages of you saying AMD that you don't like the new interface because “it's your opinion” and matters and need to be fixed ASAP.


It is my opinion based on the basis of careful testing on my PC System with clean and checked Windows 10 Pro installation and installation of the Radeon Software.

I have provided clear evidence of the problems that I am describing in this thread so that others can investigate for themselves. 

I may have missed something in some cases.

No one can ever be 100% certain of everything.

I never claimed that.

These issues with this Adrenalin 2020 drivers and interface should matter to AMD and do need fixed.

RE: In logic “that's your opinion” it's not an argument it's a fallacy.
Take a look at a the issues I point out and prove they are wrong.

RE:Go ahead and install the U0351045 inf file from the package. Do a benchmark on it vs a functional installation of Radeon Settings (and Software)

You will find negligible result.

Have you done that?

I assume that is your suggested method to compare the impact of Game Advisor overhead.
A better way to compare would be to have the ability to have Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3. full driver package installed and have the option to turn Game Advisor off.
I need the driver installed to overclock the GPU.

Any overhead when overclocking and running 3DMark impacts results.

I have shown that having Game Advisor on all of the time means that the Game Advisor reports nonsense FPS results,  any overhead from it should be removed.

RE: But don't be discouraged, try it. You find all that potential hidden performance on your V64 LC and High end processor system (*chuckles*).

Now you mock the test system I used.
I guess I should remove the 3DMark Scores I obtained running it.
Which AMD product are you mocking - the R72700X or the RX Vega 64 Liquid?

RE:If you are so confident about your “findings” go ahead and report them here:

AMD Issue Reporting Form for Radeon Software Adrenalin 2020 Edition 19.12.2 & 20.1.3 for Desktop Rad...

I reported everything I found on this thread using those links.
No feedback on what is happening once issues are reported.
Rare that anything ever gets fixed.
No Report Issue Ticket ID issued. No issue Tracking.
That is also a problem that AMD should care about and also needs fixed.


There it's zero bloatware or (you guy don't know what actual bloatware on programs you normally find)

Is that a joke how would you call buying a GPU just wanting it to work and basic functionality like the gaming profile and having to install almost 500MB full of garbageware that I don't want?

I want a custom install, I want the option of choosing to not install Streaming garbage, performance metric garbage and many other stuff...

Also the performance metric is eating a lot of my old CPU and crippling it's performance and the problem is there's not even a way to disable that non sense garbage while If I actually wanted to lose a few FPS I'd use MSI Afterburner but only temporarily just to get data from some "X" game and then play the game without the performance metrics as it gets a few FPS more and uses less CPU as it's not logging the game performance...

Then most games I play already have a built-in FPS counter so I don't even need to open MSI, like Post Scriptum I usually leave the in-game performance overlay activated and don't want my AMD drivers to keep tracking it and making my FPS lower than before 4 something I don't even want or care and sadly it's not even optional, no way to install drivers without that non sense and not even a way to disable it.

If this goes on and on some day the drivers will be GB full of forced crap, like HDD defrag, anti virus, anti malware, new gaming firewall, file explorer, hell some day AMD drivers is not even drivers anymore and is a forced full completely OS separated from windows installed from BIOS, bloody non sense even a stupid web browser it already brings on the AMD drivers, I didnt certainly asked for and didn't want that either on just my drivers to control some stuff GPU related...

In the meanwhile Nvidia still keep it simple with just a panel where all you can do is exactly control the GPU stuff related without any kind of bloatware and then if you want then you can install their separate app which has the streaming\gaming stuff completely separated and on my Nvidia laptop I just never install that crap because I don't care for any of their "extra" stuff.

All I am asking is to have the option to install the Adrenalin 2019 19.12.1 syte interface which at least gave you the option to install ReLive features. Likely that inteface will be kept for Radeon Pro Software for Enterprise Drivers. I think this new Adrenalin 2020 GUI should be treated as an optional "Raptr AMD Gaming Evolved" type install option or a Beta Tester install. 


Can someone explain this please?

Starting from here - which is a "Standard Profile" apparently.

I find the "Game Graphic" button on the RHS of the screen.


I go to this game profile:

Oh look - it is using the Standard Profile as well, but it seems to be a different Standard Profile to the one for Global Graphics...

So I now reset the Game Profile:


It now matches the new Standard one.



Looking at the Advanced tabs:



The only change that seems to create a Custom Profile is modifying Maximum Tessellation Level.


If I go to the game profile again:

The game profile reports it is using the Custom Profile:


Yet if I look at the Advanced Tab settings the game is still using AMD Optiised  tessellation settings.


If someone can explain that one then I would be grateful.
I think it is broken.


I have to reset the game profile:

Now the "Custom Profile" is correct.

I cannot understand what makes a custom profile versus a standard profile or what the reasoning is behind it at all.

Not applicable

All we did was change the vsync value on the global tab and it changed from standard to custom, that incudes all game profiles.

So that worked as expected, manually editing values will change to custom.


I would expect any change on the Global Menu, including the now hidden Advanced Tab from the Standard Settings would change the profile to a Custom Setting or if exactly matching, to the Gaming or eSports setting.

That is not what I am seeing at all, as I show above.

This is a Clean install of Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3 with Factory reset.

In addition the fact that the game profile is showing that it is either Custom or Standard (implying it matches the Global settings)  before the User resets the Game Profile is incorrect and misleading, especially if changes were made to the now hidden Advanced Tab. 

I still hold the view this GUI/UI is a complete mess.


I managed to get AMD Link to connect to Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3 today.
Can anyone tell me what Settings -> General -> Voice Control does?

Does AMD Link accept voice commands?

What commands are accepted?


There is still the problem with the scroll bars on the compatibility screen, besides flogging the top CPU and a Radeon VII video card

Screenshot (69).png


Yes I see that as well.

The user interface, Radeon Chill performace crippled, Lack of Global FRTC, Always on Game Advisor reporting nonsense, etc , all tell me it is broken.
There have been very few things fixed, I now see performance overly reporting CPU Utiliztion. 
For the first time I have been able to connect AMD Link and maintain connection for more than 1 minute.
Voice Commands on AMD Link do not appear to be working for me.
Neither is shouting at the Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3. interface making any difference.

Since it is installed I am going to try it out on a few Game such as BF4, BFV, Monster Hunter World, Assassin's Creed Odyssey and a few other titles.
I will take a look at ANTI-LAG versus Chill as well.
I am looking for a recent  DX11 game which has a built in mouse button press to hit target reaction time test - can you think of one?


So how much for the R9 3950X and Radeon VII, has to be a wad of franklins for these toys

probably could made the case for adware too

Yes it is just Adware in the Gaming App.

I just tried Far Cry New Dawn at 4K ULTRA and High settings for 30 minutes with VSync off.
It ran ~ O.K.
The in game FPS was set to 60 FPS (the max for these settings, but the in game VSync was off.
With Chill on, Chill_min = 30, Chill_Max = 59 I get ~ 40 FPS in game with keyboard input. I get peak FPS~ 60  with rapid mouse movement.
If I increase Chill_Max to 300 I get ~ 55 FPS with keyboard input and > 60 FPS peak with rapid mouse movement and some screen tear like effect.
I recorded some of the game sessions O.K. with ReLive.
I tried Anti-Lag but I can tell no difference if it is on or off. So it seems worthless to me on this game.
Setting Chill Hotkey from F11 to ALT+W does not work. Setting AntiLag hot key to anything other than ALT + L does not work.

I will test BF4 next.


colesdav wrote:

Yes it is just Adware in the Gaming App.

I just tried Far Cry New Dawn at 4K ULTRA and High settings for 30 minutes with VSync off.
It ran ~ O.K.
The in game FPS was set to 60 FPS (the max for these settings, but the in game VSync was off.
With Chill on, Chill_min = 30, Chill_Max = 59 I get ~ 40 FPS in game with keyboard input. I get peak FPS~ 60  with rapid mouse movement.
If I increase Chill_Max to 300 I get ~ 55 FPS with keyboard input and > 60 FPS peak with rapid mouse movement and some screen tear like effect.
I recorded some of the game sessions O.K. with ReLive.
I tried Anti-Lag but I can tell no difference if it is on or off. So it seems worthless to me on this game.
Setting Chill Hotkey from F11 to ALT+W does not work. Setting AntiLag hot key to anything other than ALT + L does not work.

I will test BF4 next.

BF4 runs fine on my RX 480 so anything more powerful should be fine too. Theoretically.

I am avoiding Chill as I see it is bug central and I am still stinging from my experiences of that X570 monstrosity.


Thought I might add this here too. There's 4 major security fixes starting with Adrenaline 2020 that AMD didn't disclose in the release notes. This adds a new spin on things...

Not applicable

No wonder why the driver felt like malware, it was malware.


I used to be able to show system specifications in ReLive Recordings, Record the Performance Overlay in ReLive Recordings.
Why was this functionality removed?


Right - I eventually found the option - not obvious:


Setting the hotkeys for Chill and Anti-Lag does NOTHING. pastedImage_1.png


Just tried BF4.

It works O.K. provided I turn everything off in the Adrenalin 2020 20.1.3 Genral Settings w.r.t. in Game Overlay.


If I allow use of the ingame overlay and hit Alt Z the game character goes into a constant right hand spinning and I cannot get out of it.
You can see the screen shot here:


Hitting Alt Z again to close the in game Overlay and I am still in a very fast RHS spin as seen in this screenshot.


In summary the in game overlay is worse than useless in this game.

Not applicable

What a mess.


I am able to stabalise the game and stop the spinning if I Alt Z to turn the overlay off, and ALT Tab out to another application such as a word processor and then Alt TAB back to the game.

I managed, after lots of effort, to turn Chill on and get the game stabilised.
Chill_Min 30 , Chill Max 59 I get a tragic keyboard only input FPS with W or shift + W of 40 FPS as usual...


This time however, rapid mouse movement is actually locking to Chill_Min! Hooray!


Predicting Chill behavior on any game is like running a a random number generator.
This is Why we need Global FRTC separate from Chill_max Setting.
If you want to run a game with Chill you will likely want to run the game with VSync off.
Since you cannot guarantee if Rapid Mouse Movement will be clamped to Chill_Min or not then you rely on it clampng to Chill_Max.
But in the case of Chill_Max = 59 with Chill_Min set to 30 to save maximim power, you are limited to a 40FPS in game Chill Experience.

Similar Argument applies if you are running at higher refresh rates.

Now lets see what happens if I set Chill_Min = 30, Chill_Max = 300.
I predict I will get a keyboard only input FPS of ~ 55.


What a surprise.

Chill Off ( I have to use F11 as the hotkeys dont work!).

Only 62 FPS with tese settings this time.



Chill Off, performance overlay on. Overclocked RX Vega 64 Liqiuid. DX11  BF4 4K Ultra. Chill is Off. 
I get a measly 39 FPS. 



Like it a lot.

Would be nice to have "back" and "forward" buttons for returning to previous pages.


Back and forward between Game and Global Graphics is really needed for sure.
Whoever designed the GUI has no idea about ergonomics or reducing the number of required clicks and scrolls to a minimum.
Lets count the required operations shall we?
This is not rocket science.

Going from this: pastedImage_1.png
1. to Global Graphics

2. Finding Game Graphics on the RHS is not obvious. Then you click on it.

3. It takes you to here: You have to find and click on the game Icon.
If you are lucky you do not have to use the Scroll bar to scroll down the list and find the game.
4. But lets say you do = 4.

Which gets you back to here where you started from:

That is 4 clicks involving searching for buttons in non obvious places, involving a scroll bar versus 1 click.

If however you rearranged the GUI as I suggested eartlier so that you stay under the game menu and simply toggle between Game and Global Graphics you would not even need to leave the game profile page at all.So that would be 1 click but no movement away from the game menu and a very easy way to compare global versus game settings. 

You could fit it all in one screen if you stopped using those enormous buttons which are actually description + setting in two buttons where one is sufficient like the last Adrenalin 2019 GUI.

Application design is not a trivial task. I have much experience in this area. I have developed games and design is crucial.


RE: Application design is not a trivial task. I have much experience in this area.

"hash tag me too"

I do not think sorting out menus to minimise the amount of clicks to get from one menu to another or designing a clean driver GUI is that difficult.
AMD almost got it perfect with Adrenalin 2019 19.12.1.
That needed a back and forward button as well though.