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PC Drivers & Software

Adept II

DirectX Issues and other driver problems

Hello all, my issue comes from 2 games, specifically Tom Clancys The Division 2, and Resident Evil 2 (2019). Each game has DirectX 11 and 12 options and both have similar results. Crash to desktop when on dx12. Division 2 actually runs really well when on dx12, and Resident Evil 2 runs like crap. Just curious, is this a fix that a driver will help with or is this Microsofts fault? Possibly Ubisoft or Capcom?

Second issue, I am currently on driver 19.10.1 WHQL, reason being is I tried the 2020 drivers and it caused black screens on some games. So I reverted back. Has this been resolved for games like Resident Evil 2? As soon as I started the game up, the screen was black and you can hear the sound.

Last thing, with the 2020 driver, the program for some reason wouldnt open after I played a game, it would show a transparent box, and force closing didnt help, had to reset computer. Also, my custom graphics settings for some reason wouldnt save, as in they reverted back to default if I opened and closed the driver settings.

Should I wait or download the latest WHQL 20.1.3?

i7 5820K 3.3GHz

AMD Radeon R9 Fury X (19.10.1 WHQL)


Windows 64 Home v1909

5 Replies

Some DX12 games put an excessive load on the graphics card and force the graphics card to fault these games. I own Polaris GPU and had similar problems in DX12 Tomb Raider games. To solve these problems, I went to WattMan and reduced the GPU core clock speed by 100 Mhz. Some GPUs are released as OC and it is possible to experience similar problems with such GPUs. Asus ROG Strix RX 480 GPU for example, crashed in DX12 Tomb Raider games. WattMan changes resolved the issue.

You shouldn't have to downclock your graphics card if it is from a quite good manufacturer. I have been struggling a lot with stability on my MSI RX 480 Gaming X lately which caused system lockups and freezes, I suspect the drivers are currently allowing quite a lot power draw or something at default, because when the card hits 120W-140W at 83% fanspeed it starts downclocking 7C degrees before the thermal threshold,

What I have done so far which resulted in my card being quite stable, was to buy DeepCool Z5 thermal paste at a local store, the best I could get and to perfectly clean and reapply thermal paste on the GPU.

What I mean by perfect is to spread out the thermal paste neetly with the shovel that comes with it so that it is flat, but there is just enough so that you don't see the surface of the silver GPU. Now my GPU hasn't gone above 78C at max load 120W during playing something like "7 days to die" on Ultra at stock 1303Mhz clockspeed. It was downclocking before-hand and now it keeps 1303Mhz thankfully.

Just be careful if your card has thermal pads that can come off because they can tear when word out, and you'll have to manually replace them in that case as well.

Adept I

Hello Mstfbsrn980. How do you actualy reduce the GPU core clock speed by 100 Mhz. On the latest drivers. Thanks.

You can make this change with WattMan. 

Adept II

Thanks for the help on this. I will wait until I see a driver that doesnt crash or cause issues, and I will play my games like I have been with DX11. Hope theres a fix one day, RE2 maybe, Division 2, doubt it, Division 1 had/has DX11/12 issues and hasnt been fixed. Ah well, thank you all again.