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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

Desktop erases screen when I try to install ATI driver.

I have an ATI-102 C40102 card and I went to install it on win 10 64. When I download the driver through the ATI auto-detector it clears the monitor and the CPU cooler slows down the rotation. What to do??

With the generic driver of the win 10 normal wheel.

1 Reply

need to post your computer information as per AMD Forum rules : INFORMATION REQUIRED WHEN POSTING A QUESTION .

Okay found out your AMD GPU Card is a HD 7870. You can download the AMD Driver for a DESKTOP - Windows 10 x64 - HD-78xx here: Desktop .

If you are using a another Operating System then go here and manually input your GPU information on the right side of the page: Download Drivers

Try this basic method of uninstalling and reinstalling AMD Drivers.

First download the correct Full AMD driver set from AMD Support for your computer.

Make sure your Windows Operating System (10/8.1/8.0/7) is fully updated via Windows Update (including Optionals).

Disconnect the Internet from your computer to prevent it from installing a different GPU Driver than the one you are installing.

Use Windows Control Panel -Uninstall Feature to uninstall all AMD Drivers and software. Then use DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) in safe mode to completely eliminate all traces of the old AMD drivers and software related to the GPU.

Delete C:\AMD Folder. This prevents New and Old AMD driver files from installing and corrupting the installation process.

After rebooting from DDU, Reinstall the new AMD Full set of drivers. If it installed correctly, again delete C:\AMD folder to save Hard Disk space and reconnect to the Internet.