I have an RX580 and drivers 20.4.2. In win10 screen settings, I have a custom 3840x1620 resolution that I had made with older Crimson. This resolution works but, if I update the drivers, even the recent stable version 21.3.1 no longer works: the image goes up off the screen.
I tried to make a new custom resolution with Adrenalin, but I even get a black screen that I can't resolve even with reboot; the only solution is to move the hdmi cable to the other output.
How can I solve? Should I delete the old resolution? How do you do?
Thanks for your help
21.3.1 is slightly glitchy overall. Try 21.2 or even 21.1, see if it has the same happening. Might be some internal changes to the driver that broke your custom resolution.
Thank you for answering. I'll try tomorrow
Unfortunately both with 21.1 and 21.2 the problem recurs (thank goodness I had made the backup).
Randomly doing a search in the registry, I discovered this:
are the old resolutions I created with crimson? Maybe I need to delete those entries, making a registry backup first, and then trying to create a new custom resolution with adrenalin?
You may try. I assume they changed something in 21.x drivers that makes the way these resolutions are created invalid. Maybe even registry entry changed?
I wanted to try the new drivers recommended 21.6.1 but the problem came back and I had to go back to the old drivers of 2020: is it possible that you cannot understand what it depends on?
If I had to change the video card, what would happen? Would I always have this problem?
Man, I don't know. I never messed much with custom resolutions, and when I did, I just used CRU (custom resolution utility). I only tried custom through drivers a few times in the past, and that was when I had nVidia GPU, before learning of CRU existence. I advise you try it and see if this helps.