Hello everyone, i have a tv samsung KU6000k 40'' and im trying to connect my computer to my tv.
I have a Radeon RX 580 series brand new, and when i connect my tv to my computer, my screen start blinking (trying to make a connection) and i keep hearing the sound of "pluggin in" "pluggin out" "pluggin in" "pluggin out" "pluggin in" "pluggin out" and this takes like 2 mins +/-. When it end my tv screen appear as it show on the file that im adding (640x480 locked). Sometimes when i restart the computer the tv appear on another resolution a proper one 1900xsomething i dont recall exactly the numbers, but as soon as the grafics software start, there is when the "show" start, the bliking and the "pluggin in" "pluggin out" sound till it locks again on the 640x480 resolution...
Is there anything that i can do to solve this?
Apreciate any help.
Ricardo Santos