since a year ago when i played watchdogs legions and my pc crashed i havent bin able to connect my pc to more than 1 screen at a time no matter how many drivers i update, at the time some games also had issues with the graphics and either crashed or looked wayyy wrong and unplayable
I would use Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) in Windows safe mode to completely uninstall the Adrenalin drivers. I would then install the latest update recommended for your GPU (latest Adrenalin is 25.3.1). It would help if you provided more information about your system components, including the monitors.
The monitors arent the issue since they havent changed, it's all the pc after that one crash
is DDU a thing i have to install or is it already on my pc? (also i dont know what specific information would help-)
As Joe Biden said, "I used to stutter really badly. Everybody thinks it's funny. And it's not funny. It's not"
Here's the DDU link. It's not already on your computer unless you've used the app in the past.
So, i went into safe mode, ddu'd my drivers, and reinstalled them but it still doesnt work-
What version of the Adrenalin driver did you install? You should be on this site and check what is recommended for your GPU. Also, updating your chipset drivers is important too.
It's hard to give you much help until you identify your system components to include your GPU, CPU, motherboard, etc.
Its hard to include anything more when i dont know the exact names as i know nothin about computers