ive been unable to install graphics drivers at all, ive updated windows, reset windows, removed the requirement for drivers to be signed temporarily, used ddu everytime. i was trying to roll back to 19.12.1 because im unhappy with the new radeon bloatware that comes with the new drivers, i received "unable to detect install drivers" after extracting the driver and before the install. then after messing around trying to install 19.12.1 i thought id go back to the latest 20.1.4 drivers, so i used ddu again and i get the 'error 192', now im without any driver. whats interesting is that in msi afterburner it states that my driver edition is 19.12.1
GFX: FuryX
CPU: intel 4670k
Ram: 16gb ddr3
DSP: AOC ag271qx 2160x1440 144hz
OS: win10