System: i7-11700K, ASUS RX5700XT 8GB, 32 GB RAM, TUF Gaming Z590-PLUS, Windows 10 or 11.
I'm getting a black screen at boot. I have to unplug and re-plug the monitor to see the log in screen. This happens with all driver versions 20.x.x onwards. I know hardware/Windows is working as I can log in without the screen and when it comes on, I am logged in.
On a clean build (Win10 or 11) with no Radeon drivers/software installed - no issues at all.
With Radeon Pro 21.Q3 drivers installed - no issues at all.
I have tried different monitor - different cables, both DP and HDMI - multiple driver versions, same result, black screen.
I have tried both full install and drivers only and used DDU each time - issue persists.
I really need to find a fix for this. If anyone knows what might be causing it, please tell.
Thanks for reading.
It is also important that you deactivate the network card until after the installation of the Radeon driver 21.11.1 without the adrenaline software (under Options Driver only). Perform Windows Update beforehand and then deactivate it and set the device installation setting to no, possibly update the chipset driver from the Mobo from the manufacturer's website. This prevents the Microsoft driver from being installed automatically, which can lead to such problems. I use MSI Afterburner and FurMark as software. With GPU-Z Button Lookup you can compare the manufacturer-specific graphics card data with the standard setting of the Radeon driver. With the standard core clock of 2100, this is much too high for my RX5700XT too and I have saved the clock rates specified by the manufacturer in profiles in the Afterburner. The core voltage should also be reduced from 1184 to 1100 and set all the ticks in the compatibility properties User Mode and Reference Design. The profiles can be tested with FurMark. In Win 11 there are still problems with the AMD drivers. Always proceed as described in safe mode before reinstalling the latest Radeon driver with DDD or AMDCleanup.
In the name of testing and completeness...
I re-installed Windows 11 with the network cable unplugged, so no access to internet at all.
I edited group policy to stop any driver updates with Windows updates.
I installed the latest recommended drivers for my 5700XT, no Radeon software, drivers only - 21.11.1
I shut down.
Started up and have the same black screen issue. I can log in without seeing the screen, I hear the Windows 11 'logged in' sound.
I unplug the monitor, plug it back in and sure enough, there is my desktop.
I was hopeful this was a Windows Update driver issue but clearly it is not as the above doesn't get much more basic as a test method.
Honestly, if Nvidia cards were available, or at least a at price that I could afford I would ditch Radeon and AMD without hesitation. Worst experience I have ever had with a graphics card. I wish I'd kept my 1060.
Windows 11 and AMD are not yet compliant in the driver area, hence these problems. My next one is like my predecessor GTX970. You get smart out of this egg, but at the moment I have no crashes with the graphics in the game and operating system, etc.
You're right. I think it might just be a waiting game. After this latest rebuild I've decided to feel lucky for having a decent GPU and no issues inside of games. Pulling a DP cable and re-plugging it is not the end of the world and as I recall, I hated this card at first due to driver issues then they got ironed out and I was happy with a cheap but powerful card. This latest hiccup with the uptake of Windows 11 has just reminded me how bad it can be when it doesn't go according to plan but, like I've said, gaming experience is good and that's what we're here for. Here's to a couple more rounds of driver update before all the problems are gone 🙂