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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

BeamNG driver issues rx580

recently after the Radeon update, 18.9.2 for my rx580 8gb the graphics within the game have become glitchy. the issue is some textures within the maps (not affecting vehicles textures ) they would stretch massively seemingly in a long line and after a few seconds, they would start flickering.

to fix this issue i updated the Radeon drivers to 18.9.3 to no effect and i have tried lowering my GPU overclocks that did not work either and i also tried to verify the integrity within the launcher of the game and that's not found any issues. so i clicked the support on the support button on the game's launcher and they came back with '' to revert to an older driver version'' and ''This is a known issue: That is related to the latest AMD drivers (is affecting only users with AMD video cards), it's out of our reach.'' That's all stuff i was told by the guys over at BeamNG.

I cant totally understand these issues as my rx580 is cooled with a Kraken G12 from nzxt with a corsair h55.  here is a video i recorded  showing off my issues rx580 beam ng issues - YouTube  (the issue happens in full screen and windowed mode )

gpu oc.JPGthese are my GPU overclocks

system specs.JPGthese are my system specs

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