The vega 3 graphics from an athlon 3020e doesnt reach 1000mhz clock it should reach. It is stuck at 400mhz. The laptop is a HP 245 G7 running windows 11, with 8gb ram single channel at 3200mhz, despite the athlon only supports 2400mhz. Temps are almost always below 50°C and never beyond 55°C. As this proccesor is 6w tdp, and despite that its specs point 1000mhz clock for the gpu, I dont think it is a power issue. In addition, I installed the latest chipset drivers, with the lastest power plan profile, and clock is still stuck at 400mhz, It has never reached a higher clock. All tests have been done with the power adapter conected. By default the chipset driver only installs the balanced ryzen power plan. I understand it is a basic laptop, not gaming, but it should work at advertised clock, at least a moment if there were throttling, but I dont think there could be physical reasons to that. Whats should I do?