I've had the 2400G since day one, and have had plenty of BSODs, tons actually. For all sorts of different reasons, including these: IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION, CACHE_MANAGER, MEMORY_MANAGEMENT, and everyone's all-time favorite, VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (atikmpag.sys)
I used the memory and motherboard before I got the 2400G with a 1600, and all was fine. When I switched over to the 2400G, its been a BSOD party, one which I don't want to attend most of the time. Mobo is an Asrock AB350 Gaming ITX. AGESA is, so current for the mobo to my knowledge.
Sometimes, I get 3-4 weeks with no problems, other times, it blows up randomly. Memtest runs fine overnight with no problems. Temps are really cool (less than 40C most of the time on the CPU), and I don't play games on it (I have a bigger rig for that). I also don't overclock, or do anything other than totally stock settings, as the machine is my daily desktop for working and life stuff
I've explored several things to deal with the random BSODs. First, each time I install a new Radeon software version, it blows up. Every... Single.... Time. I've been listening to the dopey update manager in Radeon Settings and letting it do the update, but I don't think it works correctly, as it does updates way too often for Raven Ridge.. The AMD driver site says that 18.5.1 is the previous release, but I'm running something called 18.9.3, which I have no idea how that actually works as its not listed for Raven Ridge. 18.10.1 broke everything and caused more BSODS, so I rolled back using windows restore. No BSODs since, but that's no guarantee, as it has major mood swings.
I did a clean install of Windows about a month ago, after I had 6 BSODs in one day, all claiming different reasons on the BSOD screen, but WhoCrashed only claimed it was NT Kernel problem, which is totally useless.
There is definitely a sensitivity to DRAM. I have plain boring G Skill Aegis DDR4 3000, and it ran perfectly at the XMP setting with the 1600, but the 2400G does not like the XMP setting. So I run it at 2133, which is fine as I do email, web and some office stuff, so I don't really care. I tested the DRAM in my other rig (1600X) and it runs fine at its XMP (3000), so its definitely the 2400G.
I've read ibada's For Those Who Are Having Problem With Ryzen 5 2400G nice thread, and have implemented some of those suggestions, so time will tell.
The problem is the RAM Memory that may be compatible with the Ryzen 1xxx CPUS may not be compatible with the Ryzen 2xxx CPU/APUs.
Here is ASrock QVL list for the AB350 Fatality Gaming Motherboard: ASRock > Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac
If you notice there isn't any GSkill RAM Memory for Speeds of 3000mhz. This list is the QVL list for Raven Ridgy APU (2xxx).
IF THIS IS THE CORRECT AB350 Motherboard, there is a very new BIOS Update specifically for the Raven Ridge APUS:
4.90 | 2018/10/17 | 8.16MB | Instant Flash![]() | 1.Change onboard display rule for Raven CPU. 2.Correct Boot Menu[F11] display. * If the current BIOS version is older than P3.60, please update BIOS to P3.60(Bridge BIOS) before updating this version. | ![]() | ![]() |
The minimum BIOS required for the Raven Ridge 2400g is BIOS Version 4.40:
AM4 | Ryzen 5 | 2400G(YD2400C5M4MFB) | 65W | Raven Ridge | 3.6GHz | 2MB | B0 | P4.40 |
Also there seems to be a new AMD All in One Driver with VGA you might want to install. This may also include the CHIPSET for the motherboard:
AMD all in 1 with VGA driver ver:18.10.20_NHDA_WHQL | Windows® 10 64bit | 719.63MB | 2018/10/16 | ![]() | ![]() |
Thanks elstaci! Appreciate the input.....
I'm aware of the QVL. As I mentioned, I run it at its base of 2133. Also, I probably misstated, as the G Skill memory I have runs at 2933 via the XMP setting, even though its called 3000 (marketing!) I do agree that DRAM is finicky with Raven Ridge, and it may be the root problem of my random BSODs..... I haven't spent enough time playing with memory settings outside of just setting the XMP switch in BIOS.
Also, the new BIOS was unstable, I had to roll back to 4.7. The changes to 4.90 are not relevant to the problems many people are having, it was a setting in BIOS for Raven Ridge AFAIK. Although its possible that
I did not see the new unified drivers, as I've been using Radeon settings for driver updates, but I'll take a look at the new drivers.
Another follow up after doing another day's worth of testing. I did update the BIOS to 4.90. However, it doesn't really do much. It was supposed to have a new AGESA ( and a new Raven Ridge VBIOS, but it does not in fact have that.
I also ran Memtest (both Windows and regular memtest86) over night at both 2133 and 3000 and passed each night.
In the case of Drivers, I did try several packages. I did try the ones suggested by elstaci, which is an Asrock packaged accumulation of both VGA and SMBus (chipset). It showed that it was version 17.10 or something like that. It was confusing, as the 2400G (Raven RIdge) didn't come out until 2018, so it could be a mis label or something else. It was also a much older version of the Radeon Settings and was missing many of the features that the 2018 application has. But it did crash heavily, so I rolled back.
I then tried 18.10.1, and the crashing was so bad, the system wouldn't boot. It boot looped, and eventually went into recovery mode.
Now running on 18.9.3 Radeon drivers and things seem stable.