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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD StoreMI Installation failed


Ive got an 240gb Kingston SSD i want to pair with a 2tb HDD. 

Ive got an Ryzen 7 2700 with an Aorus B450 Pro motherboard.

When i try to install AMD StoreMI it says installation failed rolling back changes and just doesnt install. 

Does anyone know how to fix this? 


2 Replies

May be the page file associated with the Non-Windows drive could explain the installation issue:

Please try the below steps and see if that resolves the issue:

"Windows + R" type "SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe" and launch the same -> Advanced -> Performance "Settings" -> Advanced Virtual Memory"Change" -> "Uncheck" Automatically manage paging file size for all drives Ensure "Paging" is only set to [Windows] Drive and not other drives.

After doing the steps, reboot the system and try installing StoreMI again. After StoreMI Installation, user can revert the Page file setting to previous settings if necessary.

Adept II

Ensure the user account has administrative privileges to install software If you are running your installation on a Windows machine, you are more likely the administrator of your computer. Follow these steps to confirm administrative rights on your computer: Select Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management. In the Computer Management dialog, click on System Tools > Local Users and Groups > Users. Right-click on your user name and select Properties. In the properties dialog, select the Member Of tab and make sure it states "Administrator". If you are installing the application on to a Windows 7 or Windows Vista computer, the user name specified in the Run As option should be the default Administrator (username should be Administrator) and not any other member of the Administrator group. Resolve machine-specific issues To check your hard disk space, follow the instructions given below: Double-click My Computer. Select the drive on which the software is being installed. Right-click the drive on which the software is being installed (usually, this is C: drive) and select Properties. On the general tab, note the amount of free space. If you are certain of having enough space to install the software on your computer, something else is causing the error. Regards, Caleb