This discussion is for community members to share their experience using AMD Software Adrenalin Edition 25.3.2. For the full driver release notes and download link refer to: AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 25.3.2 Optional Update Release Notes.
If you would like to report an issue with AMD Software Adrenalin Edition 25.3.2, please use the AMD Bug Report Tool. If you require technical assistance with your AMD product, please contact AMD Customer Care.
IMPORTANT! When submitting a bug report against this driver, please make sure to include the following tag into the bug report description field using this format:
FORUM-DriverVersion-Username. For example, if your username was GAMER56 and the driver version was 25.3.2, use the tag FORUM-25-3-2-GAMER56
Man, more non-windows friendly Optional drivers.. Yikes. My AC: Shadows game may be running like crap because the performance is awful at the moment, but it hasn't crashed in 7 hours. Not sure i want to risk it with these optional drivers.
Can someone with a 9070 XT confirm if recording via ReLive produces inconsistent bitrates under AVC? I just want to know that it's just not me. I just got a 9070 XT and my previous 5700 XT never did this, it was always consistent bitrates which produced high quality footage. I have to use HEVC with the 9070 XT to maintain consistent bitrate/quality. I sent a report via Bug Tool about this.
relive settings
relive avc encoding bitrate
Still waiting on you guys to remove the driver block for MPO for when you have 2 monitors active, surely by now you would have it setup the same way as NVIDIA where MPO is enabled only for the primary monitor and disabled for the other monitors.
I updated to 23.3.1 and the next day, my laptop is bricked. My laptop is a ASUS ROG Strix G513QY. Had absolutely no issues before the update. After the update my screen went black a few times but was fine the rest of the night. Now I can't even get it to boot to BIOS. I've had two local repair shops look at it, and they both agree it's a corrupted BIOS chip. Sadly, they aren't able to desolder the chip and flash it. Screen is not backlit, and blind BIOS navigation hasn't worked. So now I am out of a laptop, and stuck with a brick lol. Be careful updating!
Why Delta Force (7xxx, 6xxx and older series) is neither listed under "fixed" nor under "known issues"?!?!?
Still low performance in Battlefield 5 with future frame rendering off.
It cuts the gpu clock speed in half,,,, 6000 & 7000 series only downclocks 100mhz from max clock.
AMD still not fixed stuttering for Delta Force on RX 7600
Please fix Delta force lag on RX 7600. I don't want to stay on 24.8.1 driver forever...
DayZ foliage pixelation and low GPU usage fix?
After using the system for several hours outside games using 3CX Phone, Teams in a browser and a RDP connection via VPN to a PC in the company office (where TeamViewer is used to assist customers on a regular basis) the VRAM does not fully clock down anymore and is stuck at 909 MHZ as the lowest state - causing the VRAM to get warmer and getting higher than expected GPU temps. Only system Reboot solves the issue - letting the VRAM clock down to 13 MHz. Max clock speeds of the VRAM are not affected.
Need an explanation and in best case a fix for this behavior. VRAM should clock down completely in idle state after usage reliably.