I recently completed a new build with the AMD Ryzen 7 2700X and an Asus ROG Strix X470-F motherboard. The newly built system won't POST!! I talked to Asus customer service and they told me the problem was with the BIOS and they sent me to AMD. Not sure why I should be talking to AMD but here I am. How can I update my BIOS when my build won't post???
Possibly you need a boot kit, does the mobo box have a Ryzen 2000 sticker.
Did Asus mention that.
Thanks for your response. Did a little more digging and learned that AMD does not offer boot kits for 470 motherboards. They indicated that you must have a BIOS of 0225 or better in order to be compatible. I THINK I might be stuck with a BIOS of 0222
You do not need a boot kit. All X470 motherboards have native support from the factory for Ryzen 2000 series processors. If you had an X370 then perhaps that might be relevant here. Listen for the beep code to determine why the system is unable to post. My previous post shows the table for the beep codes for that motherboard.
The mobo manual should have a list of l e d codes, you can check those also where boot stops at.
Did Asus support explain what the 'problem with bios' is, knowing why might help.
I don't think that motherboard has the LED readout. That's why the only way to debug is using the beep codes.
You need to determine what is wrong with the system by listening to the beep codes. For that you will need to have the case speaker installed on the motherboard.
Here is the table from the user's manual.
Based off of that we can continue the troubleshooting from there.