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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III


When will AMD get a stable and reliable driver for those with Ryzen 3 and 5 APUs? The new 18.5.1 driver broke so much and the last stable driver is no longer working with most of my games. I get messed up colors, textures , and shaders. If any game i have uses Unity forget it bc the newest driver update screwed those games over. When I went back to my previous driver I get all sorts of messed up images. All i can think thats causing the previous driver to mess up is the newest windows update build bc thats the only other thing on my pc that changed. Im running A Ryzen 3 with the Vega 8 on a AB350 ASrock MOBO with 2 sticks of 8GB RAM. I use to be able to play all my games no problems now a day doesnt go by where im getting crashes, green screens, messed up colors etc. etc. This is not okay! I did not pay hundreds of $$$ for AMD to not get a fix out in a timely manner. Were going on 3 weeks now of issues. AMD get your self together and get fixes out there for your products. As of now the best solution I have is buying a new CPU and GPU thats not AMD bc I sure had way less problems and a heck of a lot more support from other companies on there products. I knew I was taking a risk getting the Ryzen but damn I didnt think it was going to be this bad. Months go by with no updates and then you put out a new driver and its awful. Come on do better!!!!

2 Replies

Updating the motherboard's BIOS and CHIPSET to the latest helps make the Ryzen more compatible and run better.

Also make sure your RAM Memory is in the Motherboard's QVL list. Ryzen APUs are somewhat sensitive to the type of RAM Memory installed.


Bios, chipset, drivers all up to date. RAM all checks out for my motherboards QVL list. I  had taken my pc in to a shop to make sure I didnt have any lingering issues that could be causing me issues or that I missed. Everything was good to go and up to date. I had a buddy let me borrow a extra GPU he had and once I installed that my games ran fine. So looks like im just going to buy a dedicated GPU bc its no longer worth the headaches dealing with this integrated Ryzen set-up. These are the biggest issues that I am having that I cannot seem to get a fix for : 1) The newest update 18.5.1 is not working with Unity games at all and the previous driver causes messed up colors. 2) Any Java game such as Minecraft, Terrasology, Rising worlds will run but get green screens after a while and I have to alt tab back to desktop and go back into game and its fine. Neither of these two issues existed before I updated my driver and now no matter what driver I use I have issues. Im no pro with computers but I have never had an issue I or my local shop could not fix. This issue started with the new driver update back in the end of May and I have been scouring forums, put in a service ticket with AMD, windows, and the developers of the games I mentioned. Heck besides my local PC shop and my buddy you are the first person to respond to a post I put up about this problem of all this different forums I use. Its strange bc normally when I have an issue I post about it always get responses and usually get a fix as well but not for this problem. Hopefully AMD puts out a new driver soon bc regaurdless of my issues they did break Unity powered games with the newest driver update.