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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

AMD RX 570 that always worked fine suddendly has problems

I have a pretty good setup with an AMD RX 570 as GPU and it worked fine in most games with high graphics during the first 3 years. Then I slowly started getting more and more FPS dropped but it went fine as I lowered the graphics. 

I usually play competitive games like Overwatch and Valorant, which require high framerates so it's very important to me not to have FPS drops. 
And it went fine for a few years with low graphics on the games I played. 

I started Valorant 3 months ago and it went really fine, constant 130 fps on medium graphics. While I still had constant 130 fps on Overwatch with low graphics.

However, since about 3 weeks, I started getting fps drops more and more frequently, to a point where even on low graphics on any competitive games, it's impossible to use my maximum potential. It's actually drastically limiting my gameplay, which ruins the whole gaming experience, as I only play competitive. 
My GPU spikes at 100% use but it never went above 60% before, and I didn't change anything in my PC, so Inow something is going on, but I have no idea what.

I cleaned my whole PC a few days ago, and I reinitialised it about a month before my problem occured, so these would not be interesting solutions...

I'm suspecting the AMD software but I can't find what the problem is.
Does anyone know what should I do to get my FPS back ?

5 Replies

You could try raising the power limit on the GPU as high as it will go in the driver settings.  It is possible that this was set higher before and was set back to default when you reinitialized your PC>  


Thank you for the answer !
(I'm only just realising because I thought I would get a notification in my mail but I didn't)

Could you please tell me how do I change this setting please ?



is that it ?


Yes, that is correct.  Looks like it is already set to +50% in the image you sent.  


Yes, sadly it doesn't change anything to my problem...