amd radeon settings doesn't open when I click on its icon. Uninstalling he driver and installing it after did not help (
If you tried all the drivers and having same issue this will help you.
Try the driver use the DDU( DDU Utility )utility for clean uninstallation of the drivers.
disable the windows auto update in the "Show and hide" tool
Thanks for contacting AMD.
It did not help. After upgrading the '18 .12.1.1 'version to the latest amd radeon setting does not open again
With no useful information, it is hard to give a credible response to your post.
AMD Graphics Card: Radeon (TM) RX 470 Graphics
Desktop or Laptop System: Desktop
Operating System: Windows 10 64bit
Driver version installed: Adrenalin 2019 Edition 19.4.3 Optional
Display Devices: AOC I2369 1920x1080 @60Hz
Motherboard + Bios Revision: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC.PRIME B250M-K Rev X.0x UEFI BIOS American Megatrends Inc. 0809, 07.07.2017
CPU/APU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600 CPU @ 3.50GHz
Power Supply Unit Wattage: 600W
are you able to open it in driver?
yes. It opens in driver
This is basically the same issue I have. Anything after fail to install correctly.
I have the exact same problem, sadly 😕
A total reinstall of Windows 10 did the trick. Sad that a regular driver uninstall won't fix it 😕
did u use DDU?
do you have intel chipset?
if yes, you have to UNTICK "prevents downloads of drivers from Windows update..." in the tab options.
this is to avoid windows from blocking the update of the intel drivers to, which are now compatible with w10 1809 and amd.
once u have updated Intel, u can do the same with amd and radeon settings WILL open.
should w10 automatic update still try to download a very old amd driver after this, than download "wushowhide" from microsoft site in order to hide unwanted update (works for 6 months, after that re-run the program, also: remember to reboot the system as u use this or it will download old drivers anyway in that session).