For some reason my gpu usage is at 100 and im not even gaming what so ever. Any way to fix this?
Describe your system:
AMD Graphics Card
Power Supply Unit Make, Model & Wattage
RAM 4 x 8gb Gskill trident Z RGB DDR4 2400mhz
Sounds like:
Third party controller installed. (Trixx, Afterburner, Asus, etc)
What other changes did you make in Wattman?
i have msi after burner but i had no issues with it before. I have msi after burner because i like to keep my fans on and for automatic fan speed. I have watman settings on default.
Reason why Kingfish asked about 3rd party gpu controller they tend to interfere with Wattman causing problems.
You can also try this solution from a previous thread. Seems like Relive tends to cause RX series GPU card to run at maximum at times. They basically ended the RELIVE task in Task manager. Afterwards the GPU went back to normal.
hamburg Dec 21, 2017 1:43 PM (in response to berndh)
Finaly! Thx a lot! I thougt i am the only one!
At HWMonitor, i have, from time to time, 100% and max GPU-Clock. After a few tests i did find the Problem:
Firefox + Youtube (Only Fullscreen) + ReLife-Host/Desktop task.
I did not have ReLive installed, but i have 17.12.2.
After killing the ReLive task... 0% GPU use.
How can i turn ReLive off ?
I did rename the .exe ... but its just a workaround ?! (amddvr.exe + amdow.exe)
or the only way?
Win10 64Bit
Firefox 57.0.2
XFX 580 😧 17.12.2
i tried renaming the exe and my gpu temp went down to 31c
it is best not to rename any .exe files due to the fact you have no idea how it will affect the software in general. But did you end the Relive task and did your GPU card go down from max?
I suggest switch from Peak to AVG in Wattman and see if it changes to normal again - Peak just displays the highest values achieved!
Other than that always compare to task manager which is quite good in WinX