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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD radeon hd 8750m Driver update problem , computer freezes, have to reinstall windows.

Hey there, so yea as the title says, I've been trying to update my graphics card recently. I used the automatic detection tool and everything was fine, the driver was updating and then the computer froze. I had to force restart it and then the loading screen (that circle loading screen) froze as well. My only option was reinstalling windows.

I then tried again, with the automatic detection, the same thing happened. Reinstalled windows etc etc.

So I decided to actually search for my graphics card, which is an AMD Radeon HD 8750m. I found it, got the patch and bam, it froze again... so I reinstalled windows again.

I really really don't want to reinstall my windows again haha so if anyone knows a solution I'd be extremely grateful. Thank you.

1 Solution
Adept I

I have a temporary fix for you guys.

  • Make a clean install of Windows 10 1083 and DONT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET. NEVER. Complete offline installation.
  • On Windows, extract the driver 18.6.1, dont install.
  • Go to the extracted folder AMD/WIN10-64Bit-Radeon.../Package/Drivers/Display/WT6A_INF/Open the file .INF (C0329759.inf for me)
    Find and replace the following keys: Dont copy from here, find it on the file, it have a series of spaces between the words that must be replaced correctly.

    Find: EnableUlps_NA, %REG_SZ%, 1
    Replace by: EnableUlps_NA, %REG_SZ%, 0

    Find: EnableUlps %REG_DWORD%, 1
    Replace by: EnableUlps %REG_DWORD%, 0

    Respect the quantity of space between selected words, os else it wont work. DONT CTRL+C FROM HERE. After all the 1 are changed to 0 disabling ULPS, save the file and close it.

  • Now reboot Win10 on enforced driver signature mode TURNED OFF.
  • Install the driver extracted and modified.
  • Reboot.
  • Profit.

It worked for me, I have Win10 1083 up to date with Radedon 18.6.3.

View solution in original post

16 Replies
Adept I

I have Radeon HD 7950 and basically the same problem... I'm on the integrated graphic card right now, but I've also reinstalled windows 10 couple times until I found what's causing the problem... I've tried 18.6.1 and 18.5.1 drivers... same result... in the middle of installation process, windows crash into black screen and won't boot again... so I have to shut down computer, disconnect graphic card, connect integrated one and use amd cleanup utility...  

Adept I

It is a known problem that apparently no one with that kind of privilege makes it go to the driver team so it can be fixed.

All the Radeon Mobile GPU's from HD7000 to R9 M2XX have a problem with ULPS that freezes and corrupt Windows 10 on installation of newer drivers (and old ones too starting with Win10 1083).

It just wont work, ULPS need to be deactivated so the driver can work properly, a amost impossible task.

AMD Driver team need to fix this, but at what it looks, they dont know about it yet.

Thanks for your answer @Imarcelus ... So my only option is to wait, until amd will fix the problem? Because I can't disable ULPS, when drivers are not installed and when they are installing, my PC will crash in the middle of installation process... Also I don't have mobile GPU...


Got a temporary fix down here, check it out.

Adept I

I have a temporary fix for you guys.

  • Make a clean install of Windows 10 1083 and DONT CONNECT TO THE INTERNET. NEVER. Complete offline installation.
  • On Windows, extract the driver 18.6.1, dont install.
  • Go to the extracted folder AMD/WIN10-64Bit-Radeon.../Package/Drivers/Display/WT6A_INF/Open the file .INF (C0329759.inf for me)
    Find and replace the following keys: Dont copy from here, find it on the file, it have a series of spaces between the words that must be replaced correctly.

    Find: EnableUlps_NA, %REG_SZ%, 1
    Replace by: EnableUlps_NA, %REG_SZ%, 0

    Find: EnableUlps %REG_DWORD%, 1
    Replace by: EnableUlps %REG_DWORD%, 0

    Respect the quantity of space between selected words, os else it wont work. DONT CTRL+C FROM HERE. After all the 1 are changed to 0 disabling ULPS, save the file and close it.

  • Now reboot Win10 on enforced driver signature mode TURNED OFF.
  • Install the driver extracted and modified.
  • Reboot.
  • Profit.

It worked for me, I have Win10 1083 up to date with Radedon 18.6.3.

Thank you Imarcelus... That's great

Adept I


There is another "set and forget" solution: GitHub - qbsa/ulps: EnableUlps Watcher Service

This service constantly watches your registry for EnableUlps value and zero it if it changes.

So you can even install driver without freeze now.

There is little gap between EnableUlps rewrite by driver installer and time amd driver actually starts using it (and freeze).

Service catches this moment and reset EnableUlps value, so driver already restarts with EnableUlps=0

Updating through windows update also works fine.

You might mention that this is a program you wrote?


Yes, I'am the author.


Thank you so much, this worked because I wasn't bothered to do the other solution haha. This works really good and v easy. Thank you.


i have reinstall windows 10 , turn off internet, i have execute your file, and install the driver 18.6.1, and reboot pc, turn wifi on, and do windows uptades. at the end, my pc freeze


Maybe it was not installed correcty.

Or ulps.exe/ulps64exe file was moved or deleted after installation.

You can check if service is running by executing cmd.exe and entering command:

sc query ulps

If installation was succesful you should see something like.

Status: 4  RUNNING

If you unable to boot because of freeze you should boot in safe mode and restore EnableULPS value manually.

Look here how to do it:ULPS: How to disable


i have boot my pc on safe mode, and have go to regedit and my "EnableUlps" its "0"


You don't have to copy paste anything

ULPS: How to disable

Journeyman III

Hey guys for anyone that couldn't get Basswave's solution to work I have got another solution for you..

Confirmed working on Acer v5-552g AMD A10 model windows 10 64-bit.

Download AMD 8750M Catalyst Driver 15.7 from (15.2 caused BSOD for me) hope this works for you guys.

link here: 


Esa página ya no funciona, que pena ☹️ a mi me funcionaba el portatil con el driver de amd que ofrecia Acer....