Hi, i'm going to tell you about something i noticed, i'm not sure which driver it started with, but i think it started happening after the HYPR RX drivers (23.9.x). The problem is that there is an exaggerated VRAM usage even though there are no proper programs open in the background. I have the current 23.10.2 driver installed and only Edge, YouTube Music, Steam, Discord and Battle.net are open. Steam, Discord and Battle.net are running in the background and are not visible on the screen, so they shouldn't affect the VRAM usage much, but that's how they are currently being used:

Programs running:

This usage can go up to over 1.5GB. When you enter a game in this state, games have problems because the VRAM is clogged. Even with so many applications open in the back, this usage is too much, 1.5 GB for 4 GB of VRAM is already idle, leaving you with 3 GB.
Now i uninstalled the 23.10.2 driver with DDU and tried Windows own driver and the results are really surprising.
Windows installed driver:

When i tested with this driver with the same programs running on the back, this is the usage:

It's almost half the difference.
AMD already sucks at VRAM management, and now this problem.
The 23.10.2 driver barely reaches the utilizations in the driver installed by Windows, even if i turn off everything in the back, even if nothing is on in the back.
23.10.2 (no programs open in the background):

Another absurdity is that even if i close these programs after using the system for hours, VRAM usage does not decrease, there seems to be a VRAM leak and games become unplayable after a while. It doesn't get fixed without resetting the system.
Is this a driver issue, can it be fixed in the future or is there something else? Are you experiencing the same situation?
R5 5600
RX 5500XT 4GB
MSI B450 Tomahawk MAX II (latest bios)
2x8 16 GB 3000 MHz RAM
Corsair CV650 PSU
Windows 11 23H2 Pro (i also tried with windows 10)