I have looked in my AMD Radeon software and there all drivers are up to date, but when I look in Windows Update Center there is an open update.
Why is this not shown to me in the ADM Center? A picture is attached.
You have to use the group editor and tell windows to stop with the driver updates or this will never end.
This. Do this. The group policy editor is the way to go. Only use updates directly from AMD. Windows has made my setup perform poorly before I realized you can tell Windows to stop driver updates.
I did the whole gpeditor block previously but now that I am on Windows 11 Pro 22H2, clean install, not had the issue.
An optional update sits in Windows Update (older Radeon driver) but no longer overwrites my current AMD driver.
I'm on W11 pro 22h2 as well and I still had to use gpedit to stop the madness. Each time an update is pushed there's an accompanying driver update with it, I'm on an insider build, so if you want to use the AMD site driver you must stop the auto driver updates from WU.
I'm on public release 22H2.
An optional update is in Windows Update on my rig and has been there for weeks. It hasn't and won't install unless I select it.
I'm running current WHQL from AMD.
I've made no changes to group policy.
I must be lucky.