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PC Drivers & Software

Journeyman III

AMD Driver issues with OpenGL in Combat Mission games.

Hello all,


I recently updated my GPU to an RX7900xtx, however, when trying to play a game I often enjoyed, Combat Mission: Black Sea, the screen would flash white whenever an explosion occurs. Looking at community solutions seem to indicate the rolling back drivers to 22.1.2 would solve the issue, however, 22.1.2 drivers do not work for 7000 series GPUs. Is there any known way to resolve this or improve compatibility? I've already reinstalled drivers and tried running the game is various compatibility modes. 

Thank you!


71 Replies

Hi @leblaque ,

I have whitelisted you for the AMD Developers community. Now, you should be able to post in the AMD OpenGL Forum. 



The white screen issue has definitely not been fixed on my side, and I am using the latest driver. Those posed are from May, now is October.  RX 6950XT with 23.10.1driver.


Hi @ZeroCrack01 ,

I have reported it to the OpenGL team. They are looking into this. Will let you know once I get any update from them.


As I have been informed, the OpenGL team tried to reproduce the "flashing white screen" issue with latest Adrenalin driver as well as with the latest internal builds, however they didn't observe the flashing issue. Instead, they observed a white patch on the menu bar. It seems to be a different issue. They are looking into the "white patch" issue. They will file a ticket if required.

They have also mentioned that they observed the "out-of-memory" issue with the latest Adrenalin driver which is expected as the related fix is not available in the public driver.



In the Combat Mission games (Fortress Italy in my case but it happens in all of them), if you start up a battle, you will notice that one side of the UI at the bottom of the screen is white when it should be black.  You can actually switch the side of the screen turning white by either clicking on a unit to bring up the information in the UI or clicking on terrain to deselect it.  It also sometimes switched sides just when I scrolled the camera around.  For me, the flashes from explosions only occurred when the white box was on a certain side of the screen, when I didn't have a unit selected.   It seems the flashes and the white box are connected.  


Hi @Beaker_I ,

The OpenGL team has informed that they did not observe the "white patch issue on the menu bar" with the latest Adrenalin 23.12.1 . Could you please try this driver and share your observation?



I had the same issue with the UI flashing. That does not happen with the latest 23.12.1 driver.


Sorry for the delay getting back to you.  The new driver version did fix the white patch in the menu bar and the white flashes for explosions. 

Unfortunately, it didn't fix the out of memory error when loading larger battle scenarios.  


I went through several of the Combat Mission games I have to see if I could find some battle scenarios that crashed on loading.  For Combat Mission - Black Sea, the "Bridgehead at Kharalyk" standalone battle gave the out of memory error when loading.  For Combat Mission - Red Thunder, "Eye of the Needle" crashed in the same way.  For Combat Mission - Fortress Italy, all of the maps loaded but on the larger ones, the sound would stop for a while and the blue spinning plumbob would show up like it was going to crash.  It would then recover and load.  An example of a Fortress Italy battle which did that was "Hot Mustard".  


23MAR 2024 and this is STILL not fixed; getting this out of memory error in Combat Mission Black Sea with an RX 7900XT using the latest driver; have no such problem with my RTX 4080 Super, RTX 3080Ti, RTX 3080, RTX 2080Ti, RTX 2080, GTX 1080Ti; ONLY with AMD driver(s) and GPUs. 

Would love to offer encouragement, but this is not a high priority for AMD as they continue to delay solutions, and then create new recurring problems with newer patch iterations.  Moreover, Battlefront remains silent on the issue as too many fanboys claim it is exclusively an AMD problem which is just not accurate.  I don't hold out hope for out of memory issues, white flashes not returning, etc., until BF updates their products to the alleged Engine 5 which is allegedly free.  Don't hold your breath on these two companies.  The good news is AMD typically runs pretty well on most other products. 

Journeyman III

Hello everyone, I have the same issue of flashing white screens with Commbat Mission: Fortress Italy . I Have a RTX7900xt and running 23.10.1 drivers. 


I have the same Problem

Journeyman III

Updated to 23.10.2 drivers and still having flashing white screens with every explosion.

Journeyman III

6700xt on latest drivers, still having issues. 

Adept II

We are many months and several driver installations from this reported problem, including CTD as reported in another thread.  This white-flashing comes and goes dependent upon the "recent" driver version deployed (worked with 23.4.2...) That is astonishing! Are these Battlefront game issues EVER going to get resolved as they sure continue to charge full price for a broken game on AMD graphics?

Adept I

Changed to green side because of the bad driver support. I heard it got much better and gave AMD a chance. Big mistake.

Journeyman III

I had to revert back to 22.1.2 to play Combat Mission. Its a shame that i have to do this as i just bought my card (6700 XT).

Journeyman III

I still have the same problem.

Adept II

The white flashing remains on the most recent drivers.  An issue that comes and goes over nearly 2 years.  How a permanent fix cannot be deployed is incredible to me.

On the positive side, I was told by @dipak that the CTD that was reported months ago has been fixed in an internal version.... we shall see.

Journeyman III

The recent updates bring again the same problem. Previous driver were working. I had to downgrade to April 2023 ones. Please fix!

Journeyman III


any news on this problem ? I tried the game on steam (combat mission normandy) and i am affected as well. White flashes occuring after explosions on 23.11.1 adrenalin on a 7900XT.

It is very annoying to say the least.

Adept II

The unresolvable remains unresolvable with continued excuse-making that it is "fixed" in an internal build with an actual released driver that repairs CTDs and "white flashes" essentially vaporware.  Shame on AMD and Battlefront for allowing this MULTI-YEAR issue to continue to exist.  AMD 7000 users are out of luck as they can't roll-back drivers effectively, and BF continues to sell these products at full price on Steam with no warning the game is essentially broken with updated drivers.   Frankly horrific customer services from both companies.  Too bad this wasn't Call of Duty-- would've been fixed near immediately....

Here is a link to some more history for those that wish to keep up with this miserable issue "resolution."


Journeyman III

Latest Adrenaline drivers (5/12/2023) solved the issue for me.


Same for me. Thanks, AMD Team


Looks like the out of memory error is still there when loading larger maps.

Adept II

@Beaker_I  Can you send them the map/scenario that is crashing so they can troubleshoot?  I have found it is working on "smaller" maps....

Adept I

Hi all - i have no crashes but on big maps i cant do anyhting - if i select a unit nothing happend - it helps a little bit to turn out the trees but it is unplayable. My questin is - is that a problem with all grafic cards from amd or only with some of them? i have an rx 6800 xt - many thanks to all


I've loaded maps where that has happened.  Sometimes when I go into a large map, it will lag where you can barely move the camera and units won't appear.  At that point it might crash or recover enough to be somewhat playable.  My GPU is a RX 5600 xt.  If you're experiencing significant lag when that happens, it's likely the same issue. 

I'm kind of sad to hear you're having problems with your card.  I was going to upgrade to a 7800 xt but I may need to rethink that or hold off until they fix the issue.  

Journeyman III


I would really like to switch from Nvidia to AMD but not if this issue isn't resolved. The newest amd cards have some of the best opengl performance but still experience issues apparently. 

Nvidia cards used to be able to run multiple games at the same time but this results in a Out Of Memory error with their drivers past 2022. So I'm on an old build. 

It's honestly insane the lengths that we have to go through to run these games. 

I Switched back to nvidia now combat Mission runs very well and some other games too Sorry amd I like your gpu but with one Patch I cant play some games without big issues and you are not able to fix it after 1 year 😞

Journeyman III

With the latest AMD driver update (24.6.1), Combat Mission: Black Sea loads large maps again without crashing.