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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I


Desde meu último post aqui vim estudando ainda mais os assuntos, e procurando as diferenças em DX11 desde o driver 22.5.1 até o 24.2.1, enfim encontrei algo que a AMD fez com o intuito de melhorar o desempenho nos jogos DX11 para tentar se equiparar às Nvidias, a adição do DXNAVI, uma otimização para DX11/DX9.

Tendo isso em vista comecei a procurar em diversos locais à respeito e consegui várias respostas e boas explicações, deixarei os links ao final do post para que possam ler.

Para mim, desativar o DXNAVI do DX11 e utiliza-lo da forma padrão, resolveu o problema de olhar para a cidade e ter o uso de GPU reduzido e o FPS muito baixo. 
Vale a pena dizer que testei com o driver 24.2.1 e não tive sucesso, mas sim com o 23.11.1 ( Driver que uso e que para mim é melhor que os demais )

Aqui está o GUIA de como vocês podem fazer isso:
E aqui alguns links com discussões a respeito do assunto:


Since my last post here I have been studying the subjects even more, and looking for the differences in DX11 from driver 22.5.1 to 24.2.1, I finally found something that AMD did with the aim of improving performance in DX11 games to try to to match Nvidias, the addition of DXNAVI, an optimization for DX11/DX9.

With this in mind, I started looking in different places about it and got several answers and good explanations, I'll leave the links at the end of the post so you can read them.

For me, disabling DXNAVI from DX11 and using it in the standard way solved the problem of looking at the city and having reduced GPU usage and very low FPS.
It's worth saying that I tested with the 24.2.1 driver and was unsuccessful, but with the 23.11.1 (Driver that I use and that for me is better than the others)

Here is the GUIDE on how you can do it:
And here are some links with discussions on the subject:

Do it on your own and study the subject a little before trying, I am not responsible for any crash or damage to the operating system due to carrying out the process incorrectly.

The DX11 DLLs without NAVI in driver 23.11.1 are in the default directory, but in driver 24.2.1 they are in C:/Windows/System32.

Façam por conta própria e estudem um pouco o assunto antes de tentar, não me responsabilizo por qualquer Crash ou danificação do operacional por realização do processo de forma incorreta.

As DLL'S do DX11 sem NAVI no driver 23.11.1 estão no diretório padrão, mas no driver 24.2.1 está em C:/Windows/System32.

248 Replies

Thanks. I will pass details of those two videos on to see if there is any room for additional further improvement.

When I look straight at someone's base gpu usage drops from 99 to 50-60%.



Is this on the 22.5.1 driver?

You can download the 21.11.3 from videocardz, here's the link

It works pretty well for me, Ryzen 5 7600 and RX 6800 XT

Would you try 21.11.3 on your system and take a screenshot looking at that same base to see if there is any difference? 

I love DayZ and I really want to get it fixed, please anyone feel free to ask me for any kind of test, I will go and do my own research/tests in the next days and report here.


Edit: found another source for 21.11.3, Softpedia:

It's 24.10.1. I will try with 21.11.3

Thank you! Allow me to remind you to test with the extreme graphics profile in order to make sure the GPU is fully loaded (hopefully 99-100% at all times lol).


Mostly i'm testing with high settings because they're best for my gpu which is rx 6600.

AMD 24.10.1 with core isolation ON extreme settings

dayz base2.jpg

AMD 24.10.1 core isolation ON high settings

dayz base.jpg

AMD 21.11.3 high settings core isolation ON


AMD 21.11.3 extreme settings core isolation on



I noticed that gpu usage does not decrease only cities. Every single building in the middle of the field reduces gpu usage.


This one and below should be fine


Supposedly 22.5.2 is when they added DXNAVI


I'm not going to bother as I'm not playing DayZ much lately and I use AFMF2 in single player games, but props to you for benchmarking it

There are my specs r5 5600x rx6700xt 16gb Ram 3200mhz.


21.11.3 driver

24.10.1 driver

So you could see if its better or not the new driver. My biggest issue it's that the fps dont change significantly when I have extreme settings or normal so I dont know if its cpu bottleneck or not.

I'm still experiencing the exact same issue, low gpu utilization in big/small cities and towns, populated areas, (I'm running the new driver 24.10.1, that mentions the problem already "Intermittent performance impact when entering certain areas while playing DayZ") Still not fixed,

System requirements

Ryzen 9 5900x

Radeon Rx 6800xt Speedster MERC 319

(2x16gb corsair ) 32gb ram

2 1tb SSD

Water cooled

Windows 11

All quality settings extreme,high,medium,low,poor (each one faces the exact same problem doesn't matter) in the video i provide its all Exteme,

Specific area in the game - Basically all cites(Cherno, Elecktro, etc..), towns(Kamyshovo, Gorka etc..), airfields(North West Airfield, Tisy etc..) and populated areas etc 

There's plenty of videos of people showing the issue on older drivers out there.

Please fix the issue, been going on for years now, really thinking on switching gpus.

Here's a video on the latest driver (24.10.1)


Just the other day I bought a video card rx 7800xt for my r5 5600x, 32 gb ram, speed in Dayz from 50 to 120-150 in houses on the floor, it's not comfortable to play, constantly drawdown and slows down, and the worst thing is that the textures are all pixel in the distance, I already wrote to you and sent screenshots, before that there was gtx 1080 everything was stable and beautiful without pixels, I'm sure that it's all about the drivers, please fix it, my first impression of the video card unfortunately turned out not very well in the Dayz game, and I bought a video card for this game, with each driver the performance in games should improve and not deteriorate

Adept I

GPU usage still all over the place in big cities. DDU'd, tried with and without DXNAVI (AnWave drivers) and not much, if any at all improvement.


Can't say I'm surprised this didn't fix anything, the way they worded the issue in known issues gives it away that they don't even know what the problem is. "Some areas" NO, it's everywhere the GPU has to work properly to keep up with the CPU


@Matt_AMD It's worse than beforedayz2.jpg  DayZ.jpg

Adept I

@Matt_AMD  Can you at least give us an answer???, why hasn't it been solved? I'm pretty upset because it seems like you and your team of "developers" are just messing around with the community, what the hell is going on?

Yeah I've already thought about that and I'm also thinking about making a video of driver comparison 24.5.1, 24.9.1 and 24.10.1. We all have different gpus, so it would be nice if everyone did the same and posted it in one thread.


I downloaded the 23.9.1 version of the drivers. And Dayz started no working

Adept II



Ryzen 7800X3D

RX 7900 XTX Red devil

32GB of DDR5 6000MT/CL36

installed on a NM790 4 TB

powered by 1000w RMX


The first picture is of the base with about 3000 items, a vanilla building with C4/Raid saw raiding with code locks.

this is on DAYZ fix driver as can see all but two towns are well.. 

Cherno you can see stuttering with high MS but high frames feel like 70 fps Elektro same case

modded maps are going be worse for framerates I will check in the morningScreenshot 2024-10-22 010736.png


this is a long video just an FYI and this is my fps in my base

I will test up north main towns when I can but this is how the coast is

settings are within vid


I have an identical problem. The game is terribly not smooth. Sometimes I have 120 fps but I experience screen tearing / stuttering.


frames got worse in base since turning core isolation off with new driver 


Did you tested in with isolation on?


with it on goes back to normal

Adept II


CPU: Ryzen 7 3700x

GPU: Asus Dual RX 6750 XT OC

MB: msi b450 Tomahawk Max

The game is installed on M.2 SSD.

Win 10 Pro 19045.5011

To clarify, CPU usage without recording is about 15-20% less since I'm using CPU to record, but it doesn't seem to affect performance. You can clearly see not only the GPU usage, but also the frequency is unstable. I’m getting more fps on lower settings, but even on low it's still less fps than I was getting with gtx1660 on custom medium-high settings. As for the difference between 24.9.1 and 24.10.1, there is no difference. It was broken, it remains broken.

Location Elektrozavodsk

24.10.1 Extreme preset:

24.10.1 Low preset:

24.9.1 Extreme preset:

24.9.1 Low preset:

Journeyman III



DAYZ 4-5 Second Freezes

AMD Radeon xt7900xtx, cpu AMD Ryzen 7800x3d, MSI MAG B650 TOMAHAWK, 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR 6000mhz,

got like 2-3 month dayz 4-5 second freezes every 3-5 minutes 

Tryd windows 10 , again windows 11 , different drivers from adrenalin,  and and and ... no ideas anymore  pls help

Adept I

So should I change to new drivers? 

I have a r5 5600x 16 GB ram and rx6700xt my fps are 80-90 with most of the graphic settings in the lowest just render distance in normal and object details .

I tried everything mostly and no changes so I was thinking of changing to Nvidia when the money lets me, but I'm giving a last chance to amd, so I was wondering if anybody recommends me to use the new drivers, I think I have the 22.4 or mostly in that year.


my normal use of gpu is not above 50%, just when I'm not in a populated area it goes above 70-80%


Journeyman III

Thanks! That helped me!

Adept I

Ok, AMD my im on your side i like what you are doing but god **bleep** its hard to defend you

I think i already prevented 8 guys from buying a AMD GPU for dayz in a Dayz server discord, get your **bleep** together... Break the stereotype of your **bleep** drivers... Somehow it doesnt seem to be a **bleep** problem for Nvidia to get 100% utilization when you said above "i will see if there is any room for improvement"... there must be aint no way this is all you can do, if you cant make it better you might as well stop selling GPUs 

Adept I

Given that I have attempted so many driver versions, tweaks and changes in an attempt to enjoy DayZ with my AMD GPU. I figured I would start from scratch with 24.10.1. Went with Win10, ran all updates, installed AMD drivers 24.10.1 and installed Steam/DayZ.

Same poor performance as always. Low GPU utilization, and even in areas where the GPU utilization reaches 75%+ it still stutters and chops. My only comparison is to my "temporary" Linux install on the same system, which runs smooth with DayZ settings set high.

This sucks! I need to use Windows for other tools and dual booting is a pain in the ass and a waste of disk space.


GPU:  ASUS Dual Radeon RX 7600 OC Edition 8GB

Journeyman III

i hoped that my future build with 7900xt would been enough for play this game it's a pity these problems aren't fixed yet (at leas having a smooth experience at 4k)

Adept II

So we got real update fix yet? AMD


You can fix that weird ugly grid pixelization thing that happens if you turn off foliage smoothing it's been broken on AMD as long as I can remember.

Adept I

I have an 8-year-old graphics card that performs as well as, or even better than, the new RX6750XT I own in DayZ. Truly unbelievable! 

Journeyman III

It Helps alot

Adept I

Unfortunately, even with the latest version of Adrenalin 24.12.1, the issues still persist.  😭

Adept I

With the “delay” in the release of this latest version (24.12.1), I was hoping that at least DayZ would be mentioned, if only in the known problems (again).
And they didn't even include that.
I give up waiting for a solution for this game.
Time to sell the RX 7600 and go to Nvidia.

Yeah totally agree, not even a mention of the issue in the release notes and ill be doing the same, time to sell the 6800xt and switch to Nvidia.... What a joke

I finally bit the bullet. Picked up a used RTX 3060 to swap out with my RX 7600. Having only played DayZ on my RX 7600, I honestly had no idea how bad it really was. The 3060 runs at 90%+ GPU utilization with a mix of extreme and high quality settings. Looks great, runs very smooth at a constant 80-120+ FPS. It's a completely different game.


I bought exactly the same GPU 2 days ago, I hope I'll get good performance this time.

Journeyman III

Just build a PC with 6700XT to play DayZ ONLY!

GPU usage is 40-50%... Absolutely disappointed!

After trying to find out 'why?', I found this thread and seems like this is AMD's problem...

Is it going to be fixed any time soon? because I will have to sell my GPU and I'd hate to do that!


Well, this problem has happened before with older drivers, and it was solved, but after a few updates the problem came back, for about 3 years, until a few months ago AMD recognized the problem and released an update with a supposed fix, which didn't fix anything.
Not even a mention in this latest update.
I suggest you sell your GPU and buy an NVDIA if you want to play DayZ smoothly.