Hello everyone,
I'm looking for previous drivers before the latest 13.9 for my HD 4870 but can't seem to find the previous driver links on the AMD site and or even download anything form Guru related to any previous driver builds as when being re-directed to the AMD site the page shows nothing of use and seems the previous driver link to be missing. The reason being is because I'm currently having issues installing the latest 13.9.
Windows 7 x64
(Desktop) Ati Radeon HD4870
Any and all help is appreciated.
Thanks community.
You are correct there is not "Previous Driver" link on that page. I don't know why that is.
amdmatt any idea on why there is no links to the older drivers for this product?
You can contact support, maybe they can get you a link: Online Service Request | AMD
Hey pokester thanks for confirming it. I'll try contacting support as you suggested.
I'm in contact with a support rep and it appears that any and all previous drivers related to legacy cards have been removed or aren't available which is a bit of a let down. But I am being helped with trouble shooting the issue to which I'm having. So hopefully I can get it sorted.
Sorry....the website I referenced has been taken down.
All good, they've all been taken down, only 13.9 is available.
Sorry to hear they won't supply an old driver. Can't imagine the though process behind that. Probably a bean counter didn't want to pay the hosting! LOL
Hope you get it sorted. With a bit of searching on the net you might come up with one. In fact I am going to look on my archive at home. See if any chance I have any saved. I'll get back to you if I do.
Found an 11.1 driver here ATI and AMD drivers for Microsoft Windows
Yeah I always thought all drivers previous and future would be stored on AMD's side. Maybe because it was ATi previously ?
I do some more searching for previous drivers and even try to fix the current installation issue I'm having at the moment, if I can get that fixed then I'll just stick with 13.9.
Thanks pokester appreciate it, that'll be a big help !
I have 12.4 (the last dx 10 drivers) 12.1 drivers and 10.1 drivers and 9.1 drives in my archives. If you want any of them just PM me and I will get what you want uploaded and a link.
Awesome thanks for the link and for the offers. I've just grabbed 13.1 from the site you threw up, I'll try that version if it doesn't pan out I PM you for the other version and just go through each one and see what will work and what wont. It's very strange I never had this issue before installing the same driver.
I think you should re-visit Windows Update....just in case:
** Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 must be fully updated before attempting to install any AMD driver. All 'critical', 'recommended', and 'optional' (no language packs,etc) updates as well as any Service Packs (SP) must be installed before any attempt to install graphics drivers. If you do not get this message .... keep installing until you do:
Yup great point Kingfish! Especially if they missed or hid any .net updates.
Hi kingfish,
Thanks for the suggestion, I should note that my system is fully up to date. Same issue present.
I also have a few archived:
Note: After 12.4 only those 3 legacy packs are compatible with HD2-4K cards.
Do you want me to upload any in particular to a free host?
Thanks alleyviper, that would be great. I'm starting to think It may be related to my Win 7 installation, might have to try a wipe and re install.
I've uploaded them to this link. Unfortunately this post might take a while to show for you, because external links can require moderation.
Inside of it there's also a .cab with the latest driver available for W10 via WU only. It might also work when installed directly via Device Manager in W7, as it seems based on the old same branch as W7+W8 drivers, but you can also install it after an older amd pack to pair it with a CCC.
Nice of you to do this. The ones I have if you need them I also have the 2 supplementary downloads for the drivers like the multi monitor support.
If you could share them also it would be great. TBH, I have no use for them right now, but it might come handy also for the OP or any other legacy user.
Sounds good, that would be great. I'll save em all just in case. Appreciate it everyone thanks !
Do you know if you want a particular version group? I will PM the link as I don't want you publicly sharing. It is a private host.
10.1 and 9.1 if you could, that would be great. Thank you.
I'll try to remember to do that tonight when I get home. If I forget feel free to PM me.
Awesome thanks alleyviper. Just grabbed them.