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PC Drivers & Software

Adept I

AMD Adrenaline Software Will Not Open When Launched with 23.9.2 and 23.9.3


Today I received my new 7800xt graphics card. I had an Nvidia 3070 previously. So I uninstalled Nvidia and all the other software from the company, with the DDU tool so as not to forget anything. I installed my new card and launched the installation of adrenalin version 23.9.1 the drivers are installed correctly since my resolution has changed and my second screen lights up with the desktop (proof that the installation was done correctly ) moreover the software is present in the taskbar but the software whose icon appears disappears once you click on it. Also impossible to launch the software. I tried to reinstall several times with version 23.9.2 but the problem persists and after 5 hours of trying to install my new graphics card I admit that I give up.

If you have a solution or a similar problem I am interested.

3 Solutions
Adept I


I solve my problem this weekend.

I reset windows and reinstall the 23.9.1 and it's work after that i download in the software the 23.9.2 and still working.

It's a bit hard but it work for me .

Have a good day

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Adept II

Hey AMD: FYI the Bug isn't fixed.

Last working Adrenaline Version 23.9.1.

Your Adrenalin Frontend does not start.

Again no mention in Known Bugs section of 23.11.1 (same as 10.x and 9.x).


Please advice how to proceed, or are we supposed to go ahead and give team green a try?

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Adept I

I don't think that AMD is actually working on fixing this.

However I believe I have found something (at least something that works for me).

As always, I am not responsible for what you do, and if following my guide makes your computer explode, it's not my fault.

I am asking some of you who are affected by this bug and ever had Epic Games Launcher installed to try this:

  1. Exit Epic Games Launcher if you have it open (right click it in the notification tray and click Exit)
  2. Open the folder %localappdata%\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved
  3. Rename the Logs folder to something like LogsBackup
  4. Try to open Radeon Software and hope it works

Please respond if it fixed your issue or not, or if you don't even have the EpicGamesLauncher folder.

If I find out it doesn't actually work and it was just a coincidence, I will edit this post to correct it.

Good Luck!

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360 Replies

It work for me to.  I have an epic games folder, not launcher. Thks 

Confirmed working

Holy Moly! That's it! Thanks a lot. Worked like a charm. 

Haven't been able to use adrenaline at all and now it just works! Crazy issue.

It is kinda crazy how something like that manages to break the whole program. Thanks for sharing, with that clear instructions, I highly hope that next patch will fix this for good. Let's see..


created a account just to comment that it worked for me too!

Thank you for sharing this.

Your Solution solved the issue on my end!

Please note:

I do not have an Epic Games Account.

I never installed the Epic Games Launcher. At least I thought so...

According to windows it is not installed.

There was C:\Users\edited\AppData\Local\EpicGamesLauncher\Saved\Logs which contained an empty EpicGamesLauncher.log dated back to 07th December of 2021 7:52am, this is my office time. I cannot start this PC during this time!

Renaming the file did not solve the issue, but renaming the folder did. As you said...



Thank you again!

Thank you, I can't believe this worked. Thank you for you service.

Thanks! I've been dealing with this for the last 3 months. As soon as I removed the Logs folder, I could finally launch Adrenalin.

I've submitted a bug report to AMD with the bug report tool, linking your post.

thanks a lot buddy!

Thank you so much, I was using the 23.9.1 update for a long time because the newer updates were not opening the amd software, finally using the latest updates, can't believe this is working hahaha, Thank you wonderful solution.

FINALLY!! This worked for me. You're my hero.

THIS FIXED WORKED OMG! You single handily found the solution which AMD could not thank you very much.

thank you this also worked for me since how many drivers updates, my friend you should be on the AMD pay roll they failed to solve the problem, after emailing them like countless others and not getting a reply I find this absolutely terrible here this AMD when I upgrade I will be returning back to NVIDIA even if this is a software issue on epic fault  no one at AMD did not have a clue what or how to solve the problem  or just didn't care  

This fixed mine, and it has been broken for MONTHS now. THANK YOU!!

Are you a real god? It is working for everyone.

Thank you so much

Worked for me as well! AMD should update they testcases... 

Thank you brikulex!


Well, all I can say is "Wow, this worked! I have no idea why, but it worked!"

To be 100% sure, I nuked the Epic Games Launcher folder in its entirety. Now when I click on the AMD Adrenaline Launcher icon, it just works. 

You, sir or madam, are a star and a hero at the game!

Thanks awfully,


BROOOO THANK YOU SOOOOOO MUCH!!!! I literally just made this account just to reply to you. I was going insane trying to figure out why it aint opening until I stumbled upon your comment and it worked! Wish you nothing but happiness dawg and I wish you a Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays if you don't celebrate!

My dear god it worked! Never had even near Epic Games and still there is that folder. AMD HIRE THIS MAN!

This worked for me too!! Thanks a lot for the solution. How did you come to this?

Thank you so much it actually fixed the issue for me. I just dont know why i have this folder... i never used epics crap launcher at all but i did have this EpicGamesLauncher folder and after deleting it i can finally use the AMD software again. 

Thanks this worked for me

Edit: I have been looking for a solution for ages and even DDU and reinstalled the latest as I was running an older version, soon as I rename folder worked like a charm you are a fricking genius

I'm absolutely so happy this fixed worked. FINALLY.

Thank you so much! This issue caused many sleepless nights for me. DDU worked one time but after the last BLOD with Witcher3 it didn't solve it. Maybe a hard reset causes the epic games launcher to create a corrupted log.

I also want to state that this issue is a real big shame on AMD, still not solved yet. 

Very bad customer support.

This worked for me.


I racked my brain for 4 hours looking for the problem, I searched all the possible and unimaginable forums but nothing solved the problem for me. I uninstalled the software and drivers, booted into safe mode, booted the amd ddu, deleted the cn folder and rebooted too many times. I can't understand why epic games launcher makes amd software stop working, but strangely it worked, thank you very much. ❤


(Sorry for my English but google translate helped me ⊂(◉‿◉)つ )

At first reading your suggestion I thought this was so dumb but I did it and it actually fixed the problem!

I have no idea how you arrived at this solution. Were there logs? Thank you for sharing this! Dropped a like.

This worked man thank you so much ive looked at so many other solutions and nothing worked. 

This helped me, it works, thank you I started using Epic just a week ago because of AW2, didnt wanted it and didnt have it until now. So Epic is definitely the culprit here.

It worked, thank you so much

chiming in to add this fixed mine too, how did you stumble upon this fix? thanks for figuring it out.

Dap up to you my Man. This Is the reality of windows computing In 2023. I turn on my computer just like everyday! For no reason what so ever other than bad coding mis-management of there software. I cannot start my GPU DRIVER LOL! one five second google search. shows me a stupidly funny fix and very relevant possible Issue at the moment. Try It, Instantly fixes It! Just goes to show how troubleshooting In 2023, Is such small small DUMB Info. Not that I'm not absolutely grateful to this man! I'm just sad computing Is still. In this state when I get updates every 5 seconds. On top of that I'm a trained It Professional. Made an account just to talk about the absurdity! 

What in the world? This worked after MONTHS of having this issue.  I made an account just to reply.  I never would have found this fix and have no recollection of using Epic Games Launcher at any point, but this folder was there and somehow bricking my drivers.  THANK YOU!!!!

very nice find there. unfortunately for me i have no Epic related folders on my computer. i do use Steam and Robot Cache Launchers.

what i do find interesting in my case, is when i have uninstalled Adrenaline, there is one file that always prevents me from deleting the left over Programs/AMD folder. it's 'atikdmag_dce'. Windows keeps telling me the file is in use, even after shutdown/restart. the file appears to update once in a while with EDID and resolution settings. it may just be because i still have the monitor connected through the GPU without the drivers installed. re-installing 2.10.xx or 2.11.xx has the same problems though with Adrenaline not starting

the version that it was working on was 2.7.2 as it's been a while since using the computer.

edit  GPU is an ASUS 6800XT running on PCIE 4 bus and CPU is 5800X3D


sorry, the version i was using was 23.7.2 not 2.7.2


using the "amdcleanuputiliy.exe" from the AMD website after uninstalling Adrenaline, then re-installing Adrenaline got things rolling again for me. thanks to ReaPerX0003 for the advice.


Thanks this worked for me

thanks you saved my life, arigato gozaimasu

worked for me, thank you very much!