I recently upgraded my 750ti to an RX 6600. I have uninstalled my Nvidia related drivers via DDU before installing the actual GPU itself. I have installed AMD Adrenalin along with the RX 6600 drivers. The actual software runs and I can mess with the general settings itself, but I have issues with Adrenalin actually tracking my games progress such as metrics like FPS and total play time. I also can't tune the settings and colors unless I use the global settings. I have uninstalled everything via DDU and installed it again and nothing worked. I tried installing Adrenalin into a different directory and it didn't work either. I don't have issues running any games, but Adrenalin feels so useless if I can't even use it's tuning options and it can't even track my total game time and FPS. It does react if I open a game, and I can check the FPS and GPU temps but other than that, I can't do anything with the program and after closing the game, my AMD Adrenalin has always been empty and not really tracking what game I recently played even though I launched it within Adrenalin. I find it disappointing since Geforce Experience never gave me such issues.
I've been searching from one forum to another, but there are no issues that matches mine.
Is there a fix into this? Anything will help.