Thanks Almighty!
Hello Amd and friends
i love my fans are low.
don`t want to heat them.
so i go to Tunnig then to custom settings
then to fan Speed P1 and try to get it to
13-31 but it limit me to 45! and this noisy!
i use fan control to fix this. but why you
amd limit this??? graphic card not only
for games! on it lowest fan spped it get
only 40-45 degrees. so why limit us???
Please help me to fix this! in NVIDIA
i don`t have this problem. PLEASE!!!
i have ASUS RX 580 and you can look
on settings picture i add and see my
problem with this only P1 setting. so
please fix it i can write there 31 and
my fans work like low wind and i be
very happy from my card. i don`t
see a reason to limit this option
to 45, you need open it even to 0
with kind of worning and that it!